It’s a bit of a blustery day – overcast but no rain so far. I decided to take my bike around the corner to get fixed before going to the pool this morning. As I was walking over there the chain came off which I thought may be a bit of an issue as the […]
Woke up to a good thunder and lightening storm. So peaceful laying in bed listening to the rain. The downside is that there is already a skeeter in the house who is doing a good job of not letting me catch it – pesky bugger. Rain has stopped and the birds are singing and I […]
It is hot and hazy today and my mood suits the weather – low key and not moving too fast. Going to go sort through latest pictures I took yesterday for Sofa City Sweethearts my Jewelery designer and hope there are some good ones for her to work with – just checked her sight and […]
For those of you who like to support the Arts check out the Cayo Arts & Crafts Fair this weekend. Where: Old Cultural Center, San Ignacio. When: Saturday 1st of May, 9 till 1. Who: Artists, Artisans and Craftspeople living and working in Belize. What: Work created in Belize. Aim: To provide a vehicle and […]
Not to long ago it came up in conversation with two different friends about how often we change our sheets. I said that I change mine every Sunday and if I could [especially with hot hot it has been lately] I would do same as Oprah and change them every few days – a bit […]
Was a lazy Sunday morning. Sweetjane and I have been facebooking and said maybe we would meet up later – we were both on the same page of going no where fast this morning. By afternoon I figured I may as well get motivated and meet up with her Bruce and Jayhawks. Paul was couch […]