simon quan queen st belize

Whirlwind Belize City Shopping Tour

We did a whirlwind Belize City shopping tour on Wednesday, and by whirlwind I seriously mean it. 11 places in the span of about 5 hours – we really got around. In addition to 4 cabs, we still got our exercise in for the day; my movement tracker shows 3.97 miles walked.   I was planning […]

beach cocktail

“You’re Doing What?” by Rich Henry

“You’re Doing What?” by Rich Henry Like many others out there, my wife and I have decided that it’s time to hit the road. Belize? Where exactly is that? Somewhere “down there”, one of those countries in the middle. After some research and talking to friends that have either been there (or now live there), […]

big block party at lobsterfest san pedro belize

Lobster Fest Volunteers Wanted

The San Pedro Branch is super excited for the opportunity to host our first Belize Red Cross Youth Agents for Change (Y-AC) Street Beat Training and Activity, but we need your help to make it happen. The San Pedro Branch needs 12 volunteers to receive health education training and participate in a core activity the […]

belize restaurants

San Pedro Lobster Festival in Full Swing

While some people are sadly experiencing June snow (as you can see from the picture below) those in Belize are hot and enjoying San Pedro Lobster Festival in full swing. If you are wondering just how hot is it? San Pedro is a balmy 29 C today but it feels like it could be 37 […]