belize restaurants

A Short Celebration at Casa Picasso and a Poolside BBQ

It’s not a bad day when you can say you met some cool new people from around the world, enjoyed a short celebration at Casa Picasso and attended a poolside BBQ, as was the case for me last night. Plans magically came about hours prior which is a common phenomenon of Island Life – short […]

volunteer in belize

Food Frenzy and Fire in San Pablo area

I just love to see how great relationships are developing among the island charities and also volunteer vacationers and med students. I saw some of the Washington University boys on one of Shirlee’s pics, they are always ready and willing to help. Wayo’s Beernet was the setting for the latest food & fundraiser for the […]

where to go in belize

Enjoying Sunday on Monday and the Yummiest Sweet Treats

Because I spent a good portion of Sunday at my desk, I decided to make Monday, Funday. First off came sleeping in. It was extremely satisfying taking the time to enjoy a blissful morning in bed. I did have one business errand but quickly got back to fun. After a fast stop at the Belize […]

belize weather

Life in Belize Still Surprises Me Some Days

After living in Belize all these years, I still get surprised sometimes when someone’s service goes above and beyond what I would expect at a particular place. Today I was looking for a dress and when I found one I liked, the woman said I should try it on. I was pretty sure it would […]

san pedro belize weather

Hot, Swarmy and a Big Shout Out

For 8:00 am on Sunday it is pretty quiet in the San Pablo area. Oddly enough it was noisier at 5:00 am when I awoke to a singing neighbor. It could be worse; sometimes we get a confused rooster crowing long before daylight. I had made plans to go to breakfast with Paul this morning. […]