Weather forecast for San pedro Belize today – Smokin Hot. Hoping we get some rain soon to cool the water down. Happy Birthday shout out to Jim Jam – hope you are having a great day. Internet been up and down all morning so I will probably take a break from it and go do […]
Mini chat is buzzing early this morning with people getting ready to head to San Pedro for Lobsterfest. I am alternating between there and taking care of business. I just set up our new electric account so that we get e-billing. They still make you get a paper copy but at the rate I go […]
I wanted to get some vegetables so I decided to go for a walk and try the place across from Royal Palms. They seemed nice enough but I thought it was bit expensive compared to Maria – anyone who shops there have feedback on that? Maybe it is just cause once Maria knows you she […]
Going through all my music and making a master play list – deleting cut off songs and stuff I took a chance on but do not really care for. Putting a big push on to get it done today – this is day 3 of sorting through songs – decided to tackle this chore as […]
Today was a total write off in so many ways spent most of the morning and a good part of the afternoon trying to stop feeling sick after getting pedro’d last night. Internet was down for a good chunk of time so had to wait till this evening to finish uploading pics. Chatting Monel Lara […]
Incoming lobsterfesters – Colomojo and Tracey are back in town. Lucky ducks are here 3 weeks. I Hooked up with them this morning to go to the school. They were taking the magic red suitcase that keeps refilling it self and coming back and checking in about spending time at Holy Cross next week. After […]