What a perfect morning – lay in bed an extra hour enjoying the pouring rain. As it turns out internet was temporarily down so there was not much point in being an early bird today. Aquafit class was canceled because Pedro had asked Maureen to cook a private meal – roast with all the fixings. […]
Finally did something I have been meaning to do for a long time now – surfed trip advis0r Belize forums and joined Belize Forums – both great sources for information. I was glad to see Belize forum has a shout box (mini chat) – that leads me to one question… Pedro when are you getting […]
This morning at the pool we watched as a huge dark gray rain clod moved quickly towards us. We were all laughing and did not mind as there was no lightening. Thinking about our stuff was another story so we all jumped out of the pool and moved everything under the palapa and sat for […]
I just saw in Ambergris Caye Chamber of Commerce email that Marco Gonzales Maya site has been entered into the National Geographic Geotourism Challenge 2009. A major part of the entry is input from the general public. Please take a minute to check it out and post a comment about the importance of the project […]
Sometimes you just have those kind of Mondays where everything is moving in slow motion and you can’t seem to get overly excited about anything in particular work wise. I figured since I am still on my first coffee I have room to stall a bit and considering going to get some exercise with a […]
Slept in till 8 am – nice treat. Spent the morning puttering – laundry Paul’s white t-shirts – sweeping – chatting with Jo on computer – playing solitaire – researching aquafit information. Lara Paul and I are hanging out. She came by to show us the mock up of the first Lemon Crush swimwear catalog […]