Yesterday Mitch and I decided to hop on Lara’s errand run and get a few of our own in there. Stopped in to see Tammy but she was on her own errands so we continued on and got back to hummingbird later for our iced frappucino’s. If you want to get on Tammy’s mailing list […]
Last Monday I posted my outrageous prices list which was created from going to various shops around town and taking note of what I thought seemed expensive. After posting the info – azbob and Brenda from Prescott Arizona and Michelle from Laguna Beach in Southern California both took my list and did a price match. […]
Sunday and we have been sitting on the upstairs veranda pooling our resources and plotting which led to a shopping list. The plan is to make donuts and ice cream with the donut maker Cindy scored at the last stuff swap and the ice cream maker back from France. Also in the works is a […]
Mitch and Carole came to aquafit class today – we had a nice ride to the pool. Was a good sized class 9 of us there. My back is still tender from yesterdays massage so I took it easy. Last nights karaoke and shooter fundraiser for Juan Pablo was a big success. $500 raised from […]
Wind came out of no where and brought a fast and furious rain shower with it – lasted all of about 5 minutes if that. Now the sun is coming back out which is great cause Mitch Vicky and I are headed to see Carole and Zac at Las Terrazas this morning and check put […]
I decided to play hookie today it was so much fun. Started out by sleeping till 8:30 – then I just puttered and drank iced coffee till pool time. When I got home I continued on with pool time – floating and chatting with Mitch. After that I spent about 4 h listening to music […]