Wind came out of no where and brought a fast and furious rain shower with it – lasted all of about 5 minutes if that. Now the sun is coming back out which is great cause Mitch Vicky and I are headed to see Carole and Zac at Las Terrazas this morning and check put the new spa. What a great way to spend the day – so relaxing. They did a really nice job decorating the spa – it was great to enjoy some chill time there. I had not seen Zac in a while so it was a good opportunity to catch up. We all chatted for a bit and Zac told us about practicing Ho’oponopono and what benefits he has got from it. The basic premise behind it is… When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds. Zac offered us to draw medicine cards. Mitch got the horse Vicky the Antelope and I got Opossum – our cards gave us each some food for thought in relation to where we are right now in our lives and what to consider as we move forward on our paths. Mitch and Vicky alternated between Zac and Carole getting sugar scrub – mud wrap – facial and massages. I had a specific area I wanted worked on (top right shoulder and back) and decided to take my treatment outside using the massage chair – nothing a pool side massage listening to great tunes. Vicky and Carole had caught the 1pm boat back to town and Mitch and I stayed on for a happy ending with Zac – lunch ha ha.

If you call the front desk at Las Terrazas 226-4249 – they can hook you up with Carole and Zac at the spa.
Hey Laurie, my thanks for coming out and blogging your day at Serenity Spa, I had a blast, it was so nice to see friends come out and support my new situation here at Las Terrazas. I’m thrilled to be working at such a beautiful resort and living Beach Front on the North side is really great too! I’m loving the bike ride to and from town, I can feel my tummy tightening up with each stroke of the pedal. Ha ha!
So true Maureen.
Las Terrazas is on my list for next trip! mmmmmmm! What a great way to spend a day plus Zac is a great massage therapist.
ha ha – it was.
My comment was too short so i have to type more words but here now is the comment… NICE!!!!