It was a slalom course riding my beach cruiser to the pool but I made it. 4 of us turned up and for some reason we were color coordinated and all had blue suits on today – after not doing any class last week we all agreed it was harder. The weather in Belize was […]
I came an interesting post while net surfing this morning… Winjama – Hoop Jumping about getting your Belize Drivers license. What it takes and how much it costs. Reading/hearing other peoples accounts of how they got things done is always helpful to figuring out your own process. I tend to ask a few people who […]
First chore on my list today and maybe the only one depending on how it goes is to fix the sliding door rollers. Good old Popular Mechanics to the rescue for some handy advice – my fix it job looked nothing like theirs ha ha. tacogirl version… Step 1 take screen door off – play […]
Back track to Friday 4:15 pm – day has been filled with chatting on the coconut phone – visiting between brat pack houses – looking at Belize Mexico & Caribbean nautical charts – hurricane forecast map – checking out the Virgin Islands – watching Desperate Housewives & South Park. Paul & Cindy just left for […]
Lot of information coming my way over the last day or so that this post is dedicated to getting it all out there. Here is a great reason to get in a last minute trip especially if your weather is turning cold… Banana Beach is offering a Last Minute Special: for all last minute reservations […]
The weather in Belize is about to change. Tropical storm Ida has now turned to Hurricane Ida. It does not look like we will get much more than a lot of rain and wind. We are keeping a close watch as we know how fast Belize weather can change. Heading to town today to get […]