We recently found ourselves in a dilemma of what to do for internet after moving upstairs and no longer having our Coral Cable connection. The temporary unlocked wireless connection we were able to get was just enough to barely squeak us by till we made arrangements with Belize Telemedia Limited to get set up. Our […]
What a great party / fundraiser. Lara Lisa and I headed off early to help decorate. When we got there Jean Doug and a few others were blowing balloons and getting things going. Before long Doug went to start setting up stage and the musicians started rolling in followed by the masses. The Liberty kids […]
Due to lack of girls in Bikini pictures I have added the next best thing Boat pics ( I am sure a few guys might beg to differ on that point) Ambergris Daily is also having a shortage of hot girl pics for Babe of the week – so if you are up for it […]
We had fun at the annual San Pedro boat parade. Those who entered really kicked the style up a notch – unfortunately not as many were up for the challenge as last year. You can read more on ambergrisdaily.com and see pictures by Peter Jones on pedroshotel.com
Dick and I went driving around the island today – got some errands done – took lots of pictures and went for a bit of a joy ride. We saw some pretty cool houses – I always enjoy it when we go to the other side of the air strip lots of different things to […]
Been trying to get text and pics up off and on all day with not much luck till now – I finally managed to get 3 pictures up of the new movie theater. Will get some Boca Del Rio and Hol Chan pics up tomorrow – it’s 10pm and time to step away from my […]