Trivia was good last night – we won. We called ourselves Maya shrimp tacos – the bonus round was all Maya sites and we had to guess which ones and where they were. Update on Derrick and Berklee – unfortunately the person who was going to donate the international airfare is not able to. Nancy […]
Feeling a bit lazy this morning so I am quite happy to have scored a ride to the pool with Cindy. She just rang and said she would be a few minutes late as she was at the beach and that if I wanted to be on time I could go on ahead – I […]
As many of you know protection of wildlife is very important in Belize and Education goes hand in hand with that. We must join together and help educate children – adults and anyone who visits Belize about the value of our precious wildlife and ecosystems so that we keep the natural beauty of Belize intact. […]
BREAKING NEWS and just in time for San Pedro Lobsterfest- American Airlines lowers fares for flights to Belize from Miami! Now those of you who were wondering how to fit coming to Lobsterfest into your travel budget, now have an option for cheap flights to Belize. In an initiative to make Belize a more competitive and affordable Central […]
For those of you who are planning to come to Lobsterfest this year [or have a booth] I wanted to give you a heads up that the big block party is going to start at 11am with breakfast type foods and there will be an art show and live music. We are very close to […]
Getting crafty this aft since I do not have a sewing machine so it was my travel iron and packing tape to hem my fabric. Now I am just trying to work out the best way to make it fit and keep it from falling off. According to How to make a toga site – […]