Organizing a simple flash mob is a lot harder than it looks. In theory we had it ll planned out we were on time and everything was going according to plan. Gigi and I saw Jarris on the way to Tropic Air so we told him to hop on the cart and join the fun.
When we got to the airport Sue and Carlos were out front waiting for us. They got to work with Gigi and a few others that showed up to make our flash mob crowd bigger. I was moving between helping them outside and checking in with reservations.
Maria at Tropic Air desk was helpful at making sure we knew when Christy was in the air and then everything happened so fast. We had barely got everyone upstairs and she was on the ground and excitedly walking through the door with Sue and a cold Belikin beer in her hand.I quickly facebooked that we were going live and went to taco cam ustream to start broadcasting.
The flash mob quickly came downstairs and started doing the hokey pokey welcoming Christy to Belize, she loved it. This is her first trip outside the USA and away from her family in Wisconsin so definitely a special occasion.
tacoboy said he caught a bit of it on taco cam, unfortunately tech troubles caused the stream not to save but I did get a few pictures and Gigi got more of Christy and Sue’s initial meeting which I will post as soon as she sends them.
For Christy’s friends and family sorry it all happened so fast, hope some of you caught it. You will be able to tune in to taco cam tomorrow afternoon and see her at Pedro’s Hotel fundraiser for Liberty Children’s home.
[if all goes well with internet I will be live streaming the event]

Thanks you guys!! That was soooooo cool! I get teary eyed when I think of it just as I got teary eyed then. THANK YOU! KISSES!!!
Christy was so happy and excited. I just want to thank everyone who showed up to help welcome Christy to my new home! I feel so blessed to live here.
It was, Sharon and Christy loved it. Maybe next time you are in town we can do a flash mob.
Oh that sounds like a blast – what a good idea! Wish I could have been there. I would have joined right in.
It was a total blast, thanks for all your help Gigi.
Was a blast grabbing people off the street..was even funny when I got turned down~ lol lol