Back in grade school my cousin Erin and I used to make best and worst lists. We would write out everything we liked and didn’t like in our notebooks and compare – this was an ongoing thing and our pages were covered with doodles of band logos like Rolling Stones – Led Zeppelin and Van […]
Last night on the way to the Lemon Crush Launch party my bike chain broke. At the after party I happened to tell Dick – he took a look at it when they were dropping us off at the end of the night and said he would come round to fix it if I got […]
Today is Sandra’s last day – I am still busy working so sending her off to town on my bike. I checked this morning and saw my Bio is up on La Vida Idealist yay. The means my first post should be posted Wednesday if all goes according to plan. I took a 3 month […]
8:25am – Pretty much as soon as I sat down at my desk the power went out – hopefully it’s is fast thing. I did not hear of a scheduled outage in our area. It’s times like this when I wish I had better games on my lap top. That was not to bad about […]
Today was a busy day. Sandra and I went to the school to drop off soccer balls that she brought from Canada. While there we did a quick tour around the school and San Mateo. Sandra got to meet Miss Francis and Mr Vernon and we saw the teacher training via University of Belize in […]
Today is Sandra’s birthday and she is officially 18. We started her out with some exercise at the pool – always a good time and we get in great shape. Then Mitch and Jill took her for a beach afternoon at Caribbean Villa’s. More to come… The girls bought Sandra a Dirty Banana at Catamaran […]