Did anyone ever try to explain thunder to you when you were younger? I seem to remember someone (could have been my mom) saying the angels are bowling and they just hit a strike. I am in a deadline today to get this weeks article done for La Vida Idealist. As usual I have a […]
Not to long after JD called to say Madame was not feeling well and would not do class this morning it started pouring rain. I figured may as well take that as a cue from mother nature to keep on with what I was doing – rain lasted about 10 min. Meeting up with Audrey […]
I found out over my morning coffee I was just selected as featured blogger for July on Authority Blog Forum – yeah I know it is August already – looks like other people run on Belize time as well haha. Along with the honor of being picked I got a prize too – Yippee. An […]
A few of us met up on the beach for a Chi Gong class with Zac. We want to turn this into a regular Sunday thing till he goes on vacation. It felt really nice to be exercising on the beach and I was just reading in my water dance book about how it is […]
Feeling like a ping pong ball today for all the bouncing on and off the net – making it very hard to coconut phone with Jo and DCG. Jo trying to sort our place here when she volunteers for 2 months and DCG telling me about her fab plans education wise – so cool she […]
Linda Mikulich is proud to announce the official opening party this Saturday evening Aug 8th of the Dock Street Gallery. It features exclusive artists of Belize. Four currently. Wayne Hammon Sculptor, Jose Cantos Sculptor, Paul Stevenson Glass artist and Linda Mikulich Painter/ glass artist. They will be serving Locally made Sangria and munchies while celebrating […]