After swimming Class Mitch asked if we could detour into town to get their laundry at Nellies – she suggested a coffee pit stop along the way so we decided to try that new Latitudes place across from Playa Lounge. Purdygrl had told me about it the other day in g-chat and said it was […]
Went for breakfast at Estel’s this morning with travelqueen – travelprincess – Mitch – Sev and Gill. It was delicious as usual and a nice treat because I have not been there in a while. Now that I have permanently swapped toast for fried jacks breakfast it is better to keep breakfast out as an […]
Finally it is sinking in. Zac commented today that my tai chi walk was improved this week and I told him that something he had said in class last Sunday made a big difference on transferring my weight. I have been practicing this off and on since I lived in Canada and I can’t tell […]
Mitch offered to pick up travelqueen and travelprincess today. We decided to go in early and pick up a few things at Super Buy before getting them. As predicted travelprincess went straight for the pool when we got back to our place. Was getting ready for swap at Pedro’s tonight and I went to get […]
Quoting Le Roi and wishing “Happy Friday” to everyone. Busy day here am off to the pool shortly with Mitch – Sev is back today so she has rented a cart. After that will come home and get guest room ready for travelqueen and travelprincess who arrive tomorrow and get more swap stuff ready. Carole […]
Madame still under the weather so we all muddled through aquafit class. Mitch sort of took the lead and then everyone else chimed in bits and pieces. While in the pol today we got to watch a flight swallows flying close to us it was really cool to see – hope they help eat the […]