Courtney was Memphis bound at noon so we made plans to meet up for breakfast. It was good to catch up with her once more before she left and hear about her trip to Xaman Ek Retreat up north. After breakfast we headed over to to El Fogon to buy some raffle tickets at the […]
It was a quiet Saturday – Lemon Crush Lara came by this morning to chill out at the pool for a bit then her Mitch and I headed to town on a grocery run. I must say chores like that are so much easier when done with friends. Lara had to stop at Aida’s shop […]
A hint of fall is in the air today. Pool was a bit chilly this morning and we had a rain break in the middle of class. FYI: Amy Brown is having an exhibition today from 5-8 pm at Fido’s courtyard – she will be there for a meet and greet. Great paintings, bags and […]
I have been looking for a secondary browser [firefox is currently my main one] for my Samsung NC10 netbook. I was not happy with Safari due to it preforming sluggishly on my reg lap top and was hesitant to download it on netbook for that reason. Recommendation from deadserious on Ambergris Vacations Forum solved my […]
Ever mix up your days? I did so to the extreme last night thinking it was Wednesday. It was not till this morning when I mentioned going to the pool that Paul said it is Wednesday and yesterday was Tuesday. We both laughed because he did not catch it correct me last night at 12:30am […]
It is a most exciting day here at the taco shack – my birthday present from Paul arrived this aft when Lemon Crush Lara came back from her San Diego business trip. A Samsung NC10 netbook – weighing in at 2.9 pounds and is pretty high powered for such a small thing. The battery life […]