Not to long ago it came up in conversation with two different friends about how often we change our sheets. I said that I change mine every Sunday and if I could [especially with hot hot it has been lately] I would do same as Oprah and change them every few days – a bit […]
Was a lazy Sunday morning. Sweetjane and I have been facebooking and said maybe we would meet up later – we were both on the same page of going no where fast this morning. By afternoon I figured I may as well get motivated and meet up with her Bruce and Jayhawks. Paul was couch […]
It would have been nice to take the day off and have a rest after last night but as usual, everything happens at once and we have found ourselves with 2 parties to attend. First, we headed off off to Caye Winds to enjoy the afternoon there. It was lots of fun – food was […]
Tonight is the big night – this morning I am working on the fine task of filling in raffle tickets for people. Thanks to everyone who has been buying tickets online we are now at $880 bzd surpassing my original goal of $500 and setting the bar for $1000. Online ticket sales keep rolling in […]
It’s Trivia night 7:15pm Roadkill Bar with our sexy Quiz question girl Miss Helda – $5 a head Max 4 or 5 per team. Matt and Robbie are always helpful to the San Pedro community in many ways and this week Matt said they are donating proceeds from the dollar rounds to the Berklee Bandwagon […]
For those of you who like your Belize Travel Deals and travel to Belize via Cancun due to cheap airfare or those who live here and want a getaway to Mexico – this is a tacogirl Special for you – now you can save money along the way at Hotel Tropical CasaBlanca in Playa Del […]