Looking for something fun to do this weekend? Come join the Poker pub crawl this Saturday August 14th – kicks off at Roadkill bar at 6pm, 20BZD per person – hitting 5 bars, winner takes all. If you want to see who has already signed up visit the the poker crawl facebook invite. For those […]
Did the mass Cat Walk yesterday afternoon off Bowen & Bowen dock. It was nice to do something different – walking the red carpet fully clothed off the dock was a great way to shake things up a bit. The kids loved it and could not get enough of walking the red carpet in various […]
Paul and I are gearing up for a day trip to Tikal sometime soon so I went to back Peter Bragiel from In Transit TV and asked him to share about his experiences on going to Tikal and Flores. For those of you planning a vacation to Belize and looking for a different kind of […]
Changes in Latitudes girls invited us over for breakfast so we could meet Marije who is doing a very interesting project called Cat Walks around the World. Changes in Latitudes Bed and Breakfast was the first one to sponsor her stay here in San Pedro – Banana Beach Resort and Holiday Hotel have also joined […]
Lots of people came to Wayo Beachside Beernet today to celebrate Mario’s life. Vicky chose to have it at Wayo’s because it was a local hang out down the road from their place. It was good that everyone was able to come together under such difficult circumstances to pay their respects for Mario and show […]
It’s a hot one today – and looks like it might rain a bit. Waiting to hear back from Mary about a joyride around town and possibly across the bridge. If we do not hook up today the plan is to meet up tonight for dinner. She still has lots of fish left in the […]