volunteer belize

Red Cross Belize San Pedro Branch

Good fortune is smiling on us, many people are stepping up in support of gaining a Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch and sharing the desire to make a difference. Christina Espejo of Island Galleria has donated 6 months office space to the Belize Red Cross for the San Pedro Branch. Changes in Latitudes and […]

belize citizenship

Belize Citizen Pedro

It’s official Pedro aka Peter Lawrence is now a Belize Citizen. To celebrate he threw a big Friday night party  at his bar, Ruthie and I had lots of fun playing with our tech toys and seeing which one had faster facebook upload speed. Her Samsung Galaxy Tab beat my LG Thrive. As always Gino […]

belize red cross

Meet the Belize Red Cross

The Belize Red Cross is pleased to announce the reactivation of a vibrant and well-functioning San Pedro Branch. The first community information session and volunteer registration will be held this Saturday, March 3rd from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on the upper floor of El Divino Restaurant, Banana Beach Resort, San Pedro Town. Members of the […]

san ignacio belize

Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Cayo Belize

Visiting Mountain Pine Ridge Forest by Henry (Zac) Zacharias A long time friend from Canada came for several weeks and we plan to go to Mexico for a week together but first, a trip to the main land to explore the Pine Ridge Forest and learn a bit about how Belizeans live (or party) on […]

san pedro belize

Walking Therapy

I spent my day walking around the island. Started at Tropic Air after seeing Dick off for his 31h journey back to Turkey, went south as far as Banana Beach Resort where I stalled on the beach for a bit then made my way home along one of my favorite back roads. I tried to […]