If you are looking for fun and want to help support some great causes go to Bingo at Feliz bar and Grill across the bridge Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm. Part of the bingo proceeds go to a different charity each week. They do $5 shots with the entire profit going to the sponsored organization. In […]
I decided to start Monday off with a great tech tip for those of you who have android phones. I was happy with the standard LG keyboard on my phone until it started adding a foreign language in and all of a sudden I was getting Asian characters in the mix every time I tried […]
Sunday clears away the dust of the week and allows you tile to regroup and recharge for the coming week ahead. I Hope you are all enjoying a laid back lazy Happy Sunday. I decided to take the day off and do some shopping before we go celebrate at a 50th birthday party this afternoon. […]
Miriam’s Magical first trip to Belize by Miriam Neuman Okay, here it is: In late November, I decided that it was high time I visited my good friend Henry in San Pedro, Belize. He had been there for 6 years and I still hadn’t managed to find the money or time to fly down from […]
Expat Living is a new feature that will inspire those of you who are planning a move to Belize. Venturing into unknown territory is half the fun but it helps to have a good map and a realistic sense of direction in all areas 🙂 A great way to prepare yourself for moving to Belize […]
Parents are always looking for options for their children and we have a new educational opportunity for the 2013-2014 school year. Multiple parents have been requesting a program that will allow their child to have an education comparable to the United States. Cheryl Bowen, Tina Hayden and Tammy Peterson took on the challenge of finding […]