belize weather

Abrupt Awakening Due to Rainy Belize Weather

We woke up to rain pouring down and we both jumped out of bed quickly closing windows as fast as we could – Paul took the upstairs and I did the downstairs. Once again it was not even 5 minutes later when the rain stopped and the sun came out, that’s our crazy Belize weather for you.

I was surfing Theresa’s “What I do all day” blog as someone wrote me after seeing my interview in Islands Magazine and were considering between coming to Belize vs going to Merida, Mexico so I sent them her link to browse what life in Merida is like. While catching up on her blog, I happened upon the Expat widget and decided it was time. Although they currently live in Akumal, Jonna and Mimi just bought a 100-year-old+ colonial house in Merida last year and have been renovating it. I’ve been enjoying following their process. So glad to have met the Mexico bloggers. They are such a great resource and I have found so much great information on their blogs about life in Mexico, pictures of places I would like to visit or have already been, funny foods and so much more.

Belize in August

August is known annual Costa Maya festival and for being one of our hotter months with the average high of 86°F or 30°C. Along with smokin’ hot temperatures comes the increased chance of big storms, as warm water and moist warm air are two big actors and why hurricanes are often associated with the tropics. While hurricane season is underway at this time, typically we will have the potential for hurricane threats during the months of September and October. In general, hurricanes in Belize are not as common as most people think. In fact, the odds are pretty well stacked in our favor. Over the past 85 years, Belize has only seen 16 Hurricanes with 8 being ‘major’ storms and 17 getting demoted to tropical storms.

belize weather
Incoming storm
belize in august
Big dark rain cloud

I thought this cartoon was funny and very true.

belize in august

3 thoughts on “Abrupt Awakening Due to Rainy Belize Weather

  1. Raúl y Pablo says:

    me gusta mucho tu blog t visito todos los dias visita mi blog y deja un comentario de si t gusto o no y si quieres enlazamos nuestros blogs

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