Everyone is on about the precarious pyramid climbing, TikTok Milk Crate Challenge. I much prefer dares that do not lead to banged up and in pain – for that, I can watch my (almost complete) Jackass collection, safely from my couch 😀 A fun and easy physical challenge came my way over the pandemic, that I jumped at the chance to participate in. One of the four others in my weekly Mastermind group suggested we try the 27/9 challenge.
The premise behind it is that for nine days in a row, you organize, give away, recycle, or toss 27 things daily. Letting go of stuff that is no longer necessary releases stagnant energy and makes your space light and fresh. We expanded ours to include cleaning, as that also helps put good energy into your place. It’s a great way to deep clean too.
The entire process of doing 9 consecutive days of decluttering can seem daunting at first – but once you get started, it’s easy. It’s also fun to keep track on paper, drawing tally mark lines for each of the 27 items in your ‘daily debris clearing’. If I go over I just count the items in for the next day.
Set yourself up for success and pick an easy feel-good place to start. And don’t forget about your clothes. If you have not worn an item in the last 6-8 months or it doesn’t fit – toss it.
I am a fan of cleaning with intention and as always, part of that includes my ‘one more use program’. While we cannot save everything from the garbage, there are a lot of things we throw away that could be reused at least once, to make less island waste over time. For my excellent Cayo Herbalist, Kim Ringland, it will lighten her work; she can simply tape the addresses she has already written to fresh packages. 12 Belize Shop and the Black and White Garifuna Restaurant were also recipients of my recycling bin sorting – left side picture. That got me up to 27 items fast and easy that day. It also makes me feel happy to recycle as Ambergris Caye needs it more.
Below is a totally island-style move I caught during the time I did my first 27/9 challenge back in March. These guys were total pros with a tricycle cart piled high. They steadily made their way out onto Front St, made a left onto Caribeña Street by Belize Bank, then a hard right onto Pescador Drive, and made their way past the Roundabout to their destination on Laguna Drive. Now that’s a move!
Since September is the 9th month and my temporary one-year covid apartment is coming to an end soonish, I started another 27/9 challenge last Sunday. That way, hopefully, my ‘moving cart’ will have fewer trips and at the very least my stuff will be even better organized. I also gained another two recycling options this time around, Islandrosemary, and Secret Garden.
The feeling of getting organized and letting go of 27 items for 9 days straight is very enjoyable. I highly recommend it.
As for the numerology meaning regarding this challenge – nine is a lucky number. 27/9 numerologically broken down: 2+7 = 9, 9+9 =18, 1+ 8= 9. Nines represent success, completion, and achievement. It often signals the end of a cycle and bridges to a new one. In feng shui (space balancing), the number 9 means stability and fulfillment, as well as long life and good fortune. All great things.

It felt good to get rid of close to two years worth of monthly immigration stamps for both my ex and me. Of course, I kept my Belizean Citizenship receipts. I also kept the last police report I had taken. Not because it was going to be useful before it expired but as a reminder – always be prepared and know when to keep quiet.
I was in process of getting Belizean citizenship, and they were really making me dot all my i’s and cross my t’s for passport stamp travel verification signed by a JP, and updated medical paperwork. Since I saw that my police record had expired, I took it upon myself to be proactive and present a new one. From San Pedro, it takes 6 weeks to process, so I got it in time to hand in with the other papers I was turning over to Nationality in Belmopan. As the woman was going through my documents and accepting my third set of updated health reports, she handed the fresh police record back and said they did not need a new one. Go Figure! I politely thanked her and went on my way.

While doing my last 27/9 challenge, I got to have an exciting but short-lived free shopping fantasy. I found the clear case and opening tool that came with my phone. I had also ordered a black case at the time and used it instead. When you live on an island, that is practically like experiencing the joy of a new phone! I cleaned my device well before putting the new cover on and had fun pretending I got a new tech toy for a moment.
Drawers were definitely on my list and should be on yours too – they are an easy place to tackle. As I worked my way through files and folders I had to be extra careful and make sure I shredded only the right bits.
This next tricycle cart moving shot is the kind I love taking on our “crazy island traffic’. Roads are an area I am trying to help improve for RRR Emergency Response. One of my Hand Up volunteers Bill and I just did a successful road hazard assessment north and south covering about 45 spots. I am working with the data and slowly getting it turned into a graded proposal that Mayor Wally and The San Pedro Town Council can start taking action on.

As for the giant $3.00 butter pear avocados, Pandora said “our one tree bears fruit once a year in August and it’s done for the season.” She also noted it has the same color and flavor as the regular smaller butter pear avocado that they have on the farm. I also got a mixed salad bag, kale, sweet peppers, and lemongrass. Total $27.50 BZD
Just message Kuhnamul Organics on WhatsApp at +501 610-5115 at the start of the week to get the currently available vegetable list and pricing.
See how gigantic they are by the dollar coin and how they dwarf the baking soda and dinner fork. I ate lots, had avocado facials, and used them in the most awesome tacogirl style crunchy coffee smoothies. Well worth $6 BZD for the pair. Fun fact: another name for this fruit is alligator pear.
Since the cheap avocado tip is off the table till the end of August next year, below are two other tips you can use anytime.
- Need Ice Cream Therapy? Head to Sugar Shack south of town and try one of their 31 flavours of ice cream or popsicles.
- Want to find out what’s Fun to do today? San Pedro Fun Finder Facebook page has you covered.
A few ideas before you look up and like Fun Finder to start your social calendar with, to the south – $5 Fridays at Playa de Sala, Someplace South, Toast, and closer to town, Amber Beach Bar and Grill. Town and Boca del Rio – Carlo and Ernie’s, Palapa Bar and Grill, Gypsy Restaurant, Wayo’s, and Nauticrab. North of the bridge – Croc’s, Coco’s Loco, Rum Dog, Dive Bar, and Truck Stop. Ambergris Caye Eats is also worth joining for foodies who like to browse the internet for meal choices.
Featured image tally marks on a chalkboard courtesy of Vector Stock.

Thanks for the suggestion, Eric. I will check if it is in Ishaqs range.
Our first time to Ambergris was also two families with 4 adults (two couples) and 4 kids (all girls). If all the kids can share a room, a 3 BR unit at Indigo will fit the bill nicely. They are HUGE condos and right on the ocean, 4.5 miles north across from the turn to Secret Beach. Good luck.
Thanks for subscribing. I will send you an email to get a few more details like your budget and amenities you are looking for that will help narrow down where to stay.
HI Taco Girl.
I am subscribe to your Blog and have been on email blast ., Once again planning to be in BELIZE like a ritual every year. ,
this time around i am bit confused as to where to stay , 2 familys , 4 adults, 4 kids, beachside woudl be nice ., any suggestions.
nov 24-Nov29 ..