Belize poker

WSOP 2011 taco Cam Party

We are broadcasting live from Pedro’s Sports bar on taco cam for the 2011 World series of poker. Pedro called one of the San Pedro poker players who is in Las Vegas and held his phone up so we could hear all the cheers as the poker players were being seated at the final 9 table.

Got photo update from tacoboy who is watching the action live in Vegas right now.  Bob is in 5th place right now.

They just showed some great Belize footage,  ESPN interview with Bob.

Bob made the call, showed J-8 and wins the pot. He’s up to 35.5M

Unfortunately not long after Bob got short stacked and ended up getting taken out by Stazko.

Bob’s last tweet of the night – BobBounahra – It was fun while it lasted. Thank you all for your support. Thank you Belize!

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World Series Of Poker Celebrity Bob Bounahra, Bob Badih Bounahra

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