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Food Frenzy and Fire in San Pablo area

I just love to see how great relationships are developing among the island charities and also volunteer vacationers and med students. I saw some of the Washington University boys on one of Shirlee’s pics, they are always ready and willing to help. Wayo’s Beernet was the setting for the latest food & fundraiser for the 2 legged and the 4 legged. I was not able to make it but Shirlee offered to take some pictures and write a short blurb for you. I also got a few pics and a short quote from Saga about the event.

Shirlee’s 2 cents

“There were plenty of canines on hand which seems to have kept the felines away. 🙂
Proceed were split between The San Pedro Food Bank & Saga Humane Society and there was also plenty of food donated too. Check out some of the pics on Saga’s Facebook page. Like San Pedro Food Bank and Saga Humane Society Facebook pages for more.” ~ Shirlee Arnould

San Pedro Food Bank Co-founder

“San Pedro food bank would like to thank everyone that donated their time and resources to make Monday nights fundraiser a success. Special thanks to Wayos, Saga and Palapa Bar for coming together to make the event happen. We collectively raised $1200 cash plus almost $1000 in food for saga and San Pedro food bank.” ~ Brittney ODaniel.

Saga Chairman of the board

“Saga Humane Society would like to thank everyone that came out to Wayo’s Monday night to support two worthy causes. It was great to see the community come together and we are appreciative that the San Pedro Food Bank understands that our four legged friends need to be fed as well and included SAGA Humane Society in this food drive.”  ~ Kevin Smith

Event pictures

Shirlee said “Donations kept coming in steady throughout the night.”  Her photos were taken, while there was still daylight and the other 2, taken later, came from Saga. The T-shirts were one of the raffle prizes that Shirlee won.

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Great bunch of people who always help when they can
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Big pile of food to the right
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4 legged friend there to show support for the animals
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Good turn out
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Lots of food for the food bank
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Pet food donations
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Shirlee’s prize
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Lots of food for the 4 legged friends Saga helps
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Big pile of people food for so the San Pedro Food Bank can keep helping those in need.

The other night after dropping Jack at home and heading to drop Dick at his, we smelled  smoke in the area of the small white Church. We pulled down the side street, and when we rounded the corner we saw a bunch of people with shovels trying to put out a bunch of small fires along the property line of a vacant lot. At first we wondered if it was a controlled burn, but after asking, found out it wasn’t and immediately offered them a hand.

At that point the folks said no one had been able to reach the fire department, so I said I would  try 911 (the San Pedro Police Dept) and off we went. When I got through they said the fire department had been reached and they were on their way. By the time we got back from going around the corner to get 5 more shovels the fire department was there and had started to spray. Jan brown also brought some useful tools to help break up the dirt and scatter the embers.

The fire department went through their water supply fast and had to go get more. Thankfully where ever they went was not too far away. The next plan of action was garden hoses and we raced to get Dick’s 100 ft. one. Jan went to get hers and called San Pedro Hardware to see if they would send a couple and they did. Area residents kept going up with long garden hoses while waiting for the truck to return and finish the job.

Although the fires were put out, this still remains a concern. It is the second time that has happened within the last couple of months and residents are wondering if the fires were intentionally set.

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Shoveling dirt on embers
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Burned property line and firemen had to go deeper in on that lot
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Fire on a San Pablo area
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Area residents did a great job in helping stop the fire

1 thoughts on “Food Frenzy and Fire in San Pablo area

  1. Mike says:

    The social events sound great. Do you know if there are any similar events during October 15 to 21 when we are planning to visit San Pedro. Also, what is the best web site to look for these events?


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