Ambergris Caye Belize

Top 10 San Pedro Belize Images – AJ Baxter

AJ Baxter is a name that is coming up more frequently in my research. After landing on his Picture Belize photo blog recently  I decided to write him and see if he would be interested in pulling a few of his favorite pictures for a tacogirl top ten post.

Top 10 Belize Images – Focus on San Pedro, Ambergris Caye

The following images were captured by AJ Baxter, an amateur photographer and frequent visitor to Belize. His selection of images for inclusion in the Top Ten was based on displaying the variety of color to be found in San Pedro during 2010. He publishes an image blog called Picture Belize where he displays the visual beauty of Belize.

Ambergris Caye Belize
1. No Parking

Image Aj Baxter – No Parking: One can only assume that this sign was not intended for bikes! Another possible interpretation is that cyclists do not like beer, cannot read or are so rich that a $25 ticket is no big deal.

Belize images
2. Water taxi bound

Image Aj Baxter- Water Taxi Baggage: The colors and lines in this urban beach scene caught my compositional eye as did the rich detail. Moments later the scene was crowded with passengers seeking to retrieve their bags and continue on their journeys.

Ambergris Caye Pictures
3. Dock guardians

Image Aj Baxter- Guardians of the Dock: Brown Pelicans and Laughing Gulls – What coastline is complete without at least a couple of 100 of these fine birds? I think as I was looking up at these birds they were sizing me up and thinking about their next meal. There is always a competition between these birds for any scrapes from the fishermen on the docks.

San Pedro Belize photographs
4. Morning tranquility

Image Aj baxter – Mid-Morning Tranquility: A Snowy Egret looking for a fresh fish breakfast in the calm waters of the Caribbean Sea. One of my favorite images – the lighting was perfect!

San Pedro pictures
5. Palm Shade

Image Aj Baxter – Under the Palms: Along the beach in San Pedro, the palm trees provide shelter from the mid-day sun and each tree becomes a unique back-drop for a moment of rest.

Belize beach pictures
6. Family stroll

Image Aj Baxter – Family Stroll: A magical composition captured as the sun is beginning to set and cast long shadows. The resulting side-light provided the defining glow for this family grouping.

Ambergris Caye images
7. Middle St. vendor

Image Aj Baxter- Middle Street Fruit Stand: The back-drop of light blue paint and white wood trim were perfect for this urban landscape. I just had to wait until there was a lull in golf cart traffic, a lack of pedestrians, and a cloudy day to capture this one!

Downtown San Pedro
8. Shoreline view

Image ajbaxter-8: Downtown San Pedro: Central Park, San Pedro as viewed from the Caribbean Sea while returning from a snorkel & sailing trip to Caye Cauker. The palette of blues was offset nicely with the contrast of distant clouds.

Beize flowers
9. Enjoying a flower

Image ajbaxter-9: Flower for the Wife: It takes a lot of skill to be a wildlife photographer. Sometimes the wildlife co-operates and even poses momentarily (until they realize that you see them! ).

Ambergris Caye Belize
10. School mural

Image Aj Baxter- School Yard Mural: Children painting a mural on the school yard wall in downtown San Pedro.

14 thoughts on “Top 10 San Pedro Belize Images – AJ Baxter

  1. tacogirl says:

    Great idea Lorenzo. It reminded me one pic I took about 4 years ago – a boy holding a bag of marbles that he had got at the Holy Cross School Christmas party as a present and the smile on his face is so big and bright you would think he just got an xbox or something.

  2. Surendra says:

    Great pics! Why we fell in love AC. We have rented a place starting NOV 1 and hope to do our part to make AC a better place. Thanks for all your help on our last visit.

  3. AJ Baxter says:

    I have several thousand images from Belize. Perhaps we should ask your reading audience for their input on the next Top Ten theme to publish?

  4. allan salter says:

    Point acknowledged, Laurie. I appreciate your tolerance of my socialist proclivities. but San Pedro is to Belize as Cancun is to Mexico………not. The pics are nicely done however.

  5. tacogirl says:

    If you check AJ’s Allan blog you will find many pictures of the ‘real Belize’ – he chose to send Island shots for this post and I was fine with that.

  6. allan salter says:

    Nice pics that confuse process with content. The “real Belize” is not in plastic bourgeois partyville San Pedro but in villages along the Northern and Western highways where you will find the heart and soul of this struggling nation. (lizard not withstanding).

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