The 25 people that braved the downpour for Monday Night’s meeting at the Lions Den all agreed – the Government needs to recognize and appreciate the Unique Beauty that is Belize.There is not another place like this and the vote was unanimous, it is time for the whole country to care about our future and sustainable tourism. Oceana shed some light on the subject in combination with an open forum.
It comes down to inadequate consultation of the public and not listening to what the people really want in regards to the most important topic – surveying and drilling Belize oil.
To be fair I have created a pros and cons list for drilling Belize Oil.
- None -a quick sell off of resources: no long term yields of any value and offers only damages.
- The juice is just not worth the squeeze in any way shape or form. All drilling will do is leave behind an empty depleted husk. Left swiping on that idea. This country is way too cute and quirky to take advantage of it in such a negative way. Swipe right on Gorgeous Eco Tourism 😀
But seriously, if carried out, there will be no benefit; not one, especially for future generations as well as those of us who are invested and care right now. If animals could talk they would say the same and add their 2 cents. I know a point they would make more mention of – noise pollution being a detriment to their health and well being.
I am hard pressed to think of anyone who would enjoy hearing several hours of a leaf blower, a vacuum cleaner or a jack hammer. I just moved my music player into my office to help cover the sound of a very loud and constant concrete cracker in my neighborhood today. Why should we think animals would be any different.
Best Belize Oil
I have always felt strongly that we should be most recognized for my long time rated Best Belize Oil; coconut oil – aptly named Glorious Belize.
We need to nurture our environment not pillage and torment it. It is crucial to preserve our marine heritage in a fast paced modern day world. We need to keep our country unique and prosperous with strong environmental cultivation and protection that includes traditional livelihoods and history.
Working Together for Preservation
Various Groups are have working together on this mission.
Belize Fisheries, recognized the value in seasons to give sea life time to replenish. Island Tourism followed their lead to draw off season traffic to Ambergris Caye, the San Pedro Business Association started San Pedro Lobster Festival. A week long culinary celebration that blends old and new along with underwater ecology preservation. They they both worked to do their part in preserving the natural life cycles of our marine world. Not to mention all the jobs created and people it has fed – lobster lovers take a moment of thanks. Especially you Madison (of Wimpa’s Tattoo’s) after witnessing your recent Savin Rock Lobster Sliders experience at Casa Picasso.
Spread the Word
It is time to join hands and do the right thing – Everything We Can to Stop The Insanity and Protect Beautiful Beloved Belize. No matter how big or small your action, please do something as often as you can.
- Sign a petition
- Tell someone
- Share the information on social media
- Go to a meeting anytime you can
- Bring a friend
- Take a really good look at the beauty around you and do what you can to help preserve it.
- If you are not in country please take a good look at one of your favorite Belize nature pictures and send out positive thoughts.
For those of you that want a little visual help, this collage should do the trick.

Next Important Meeting
Help spread the word like Dawn Kennedy Schick. She went home and immediately messaged this to the Monday group.
“Albert and I attended the meeting at the Lion’s Club last night, and the general consensus was that we need to show up by the hundreds for the meeting that the GOB is hosting in Belize City next week. The feeling is that the GOB is using this meeting as a way to say that they have approval for oil exploration in Belize. That’s why they are hosting the meeting at a time and place that is so inconvenient…hoping that none of us show up.”
Water taxis are being organized to take us to and from the meeting. Tickets must be pre-purchased at the Seaduced office. Oceana is providing t-shirts and bumper stickers to help us get the word out and show that we are taking a stand. These will be given out as your ticket is purchased. They also want us to show up with our own signs (e.g. “No oil”, “No Oil Exploration”, “No drilling”, “No Means No”).
The consultation will be held on January 18, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Radisson Fort George Hotel in Belize City. The boats will leave promptly at 5:00 p.m. and return after the meeting. Please plan to come and tell everyone you know. Share this post! #nomeansno #nooilexplorationonbelize”
Sandbar Hostel Trivia Night
Since I am in a stage where getting out in the evenings is a rare thing, I decided to maximize my outing and do our friend Cindy’s trivia night as well as the meeting.
You just never know who will be there or what will happen. This week’s amusement came from my friend Patrick in Canada. He pulled an all thumbs and video chatted me right before the game was to start. I answered and panned him around the room stopping on quiz mistress Cindy. She promptly asked who that was and said hello when she saw me holding up my phone. After I told her, and the room, a few others in the room started chatting with him.
Although we did not win, my friend Dennis and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Our ringer Jack got rained out but our 2 man team ADD Squirrel managed to take 3rd place. Interestingly enough there was a team that called themselves “hot taco’s”. I found it funny because that is the name of my android hot spot, which allows me to be a portable router for friends or Red Cross volunteer groups.