After reading my #Travel Tuesday How I go magazine shopping in Belize post, Peter wrote and sent me a couple of pics of stacks of magazines and if I didn’t mind a few dog eared pages he would be more than happy to mail some. He was going check at the post office about shipping to Belize and see if their box priority mail deal would apply to international shipping.
I wrote him back that I would appreciate it but it was totally his call, I was pretty sure magazines would be on the costly side to ship due to their weight. I told him maybe he could convince the post office that they going to a good home on a tropical island that has a severe magazine shortage 🙂
This was Peter’s very funny rely.
I was doing fine at the Post Office. I did like you said, I told her about those magazine challenged inhabitants of a far away land. Deprived and neglected, literary endeavors denied. She gave me a free mailer box and her best shipping price. Then as I casually mentioned about the warm tropical waters, the swaying palms, the friendly people, the lobster pupusas at Wariguma’s, the drinks at Wild Mango’s and anything from Elvi’s. I’m pretty sure I saw her thumb press down on the scale. Ooops.
The magazines are on their way, you can also add that the post mistress had a tear in her eye before I mentioned the good stuff!

9 days after he sent them, I got a call from Quicksilver Messenger Dianne telling me that I had a customs form in my mail box. Dick borrowed Glenn’s cart and I managed to score a seat on the errand run to town so I could get my package.

While Dick and Jonathan were at the SP hardware store by the gas station, I walked over to the mailbox and got my customs form. A private mailbox is a good option for me because I sometimes go overdue in getting my mail and would definitely run the risk of things getting sent back if I was still using general delivery option at the post office.
Did you know we have no postal codes in Belize? Many people find that one to believe.

When I got to the post office and was called to the back room to get my package assessed I found out Angel was on vacation. The new guy filling in from Belize City was very nice. He charged me 75 cents duty [reading materials are very low to no cost] and it was the first time in years that my package did not get opened and inspected 🙂 Cost of mailing a box with 14 magazines and one news paper to Belize was $58.80. Thanks again Peter for being willing to send magazines, if you want something from Belize I would be glad to return the favor.

I waited till I got home to open my box and enjoy the surprise. Now I have lots of new and exciting magazine options to enjoy 🙂

Regular snail mail will work for books, they are little to no duty as far as I know. You could also send with someone coming down who has extra room.
Laurie Norton, How are you, I need to send some books to Belize, they are paperback. I looked at your post, It was an old one. Can you tell us, Brother of us looking for some paperback books from the USA, I am eager to ship, just need to what are the best way to send it.
Charlie if you go to their website you can get a popup contact form by clicking on the contact area. You can also message them through their facebook page
Hi, I was wondering if you , or anyone could help me. I have been looking to get my brother in-law a Belikin hat for Christmas, the store and website, both have no way, other then phone, to contact them. Any ideas on how I might be able to get a hat shipped from Belize to Canada??
Last I was on it, there were still potholes Mary, sorry for the bad news.
Looks like the road in front of Public store was graded?? that would be nice for me to come home to.