It was a slalom course riding my beach cruiser to the pool but I made it. 4 of us turned up and for some reason we were color coordinated and all had blue suits on today – after not doing any class last week we all agreed it was harder. The weather in Belize was almost cold enough to wear my wet suit today but not quite. Not looking forward to those colder days – hopefully will not be as bad as last year for cold fronts.
San Pedro Belize weather: gray skies most of the day – rain showers held off till tonight.
lol Gwen. Will likely see you tomorrow. I have been challenged all week learning new stuff and trying to figure it all out. I feel like I am putting a jig saw puzzle together.
no whining! We won’t consider it. The pool and aquafit was actually warmer today than tuesday. I think it was because we did a bunch of aerobic stuff early on. You have been challenged!