It is not difficult to self medicate in San Pedro, in fact a pharmacist told me no because I needed a prescription and when I explained I only wanted one pill, he turned around and gave it to me. I am sure there are lots of meds they will give you here that you could not get without a prescription in other parts of the world – definitely a double edged sword for some.
Recently it was a stubborn cold that had both tacoboy and I in it’s grip. We waited a few days to try and get over it but I was still dizzy feeling, and we were both coughing up green goblins. Thankfully decided to check up on me Dr Al while he was not so patiently waiting for A day in Corozal Town part 2 post. When he found it was not clearing fast enough, he emailed me the following advice – “Listen homie. You are in a hot humid place. So bacterial overgrowth from a cold is more common than if you were here. Do the 5 day deal. Don’t be difficult.” I knew he was right and it was time to self medicate so Paul went to the pharmacy and got us a round of Zitro-500 aka Z-pack. This helped a lot but did not knock it out completely and I still feel like sleeping all day every day.
Since I had an appointment to see the dermatologist, I figured I could tie it in with w visit to Dr Teresa Damera as well. Unfortunately she was not there but her receptionist checked out what I had been taking and told me to take 10 mil of expectorant 3 times a day for 3 days and said if that did not clear the crud out of my chest, I should come back for a second round of antibiotics. I put tacoboy on the same regime.
Cost to see Dr Theresa at Clinica Los Pinos had she been there $55
Cost of more fluibron $18 BZD
Cost to see dermatologist Dr Lopez for a routine yearly freckle check $75
Entertainment while waiting priceless.
The road detour gave me some good entertainment while waiting to see the Dr. Lopez. I watched a guy driving by with 2 full cases of Belikin beer on his handlebars, another guy with gas a large gas can riding one handed because he was talking on his cell phone and a woman with a cart full of pinatas. I also saw lots of people I knew. Pedro and Lois drove by with a cart full of hotel guests, then came Ricardo followed by Dick on his bike and John East who does a Belize home for us blog.
After the doctors office I stopped at one of my fav fruit stands, the one across Banyan Bay Resort. I picked up 2 bags sliced mango, a bag of sliced pineapple, half a watermelon, a red cabbage, a green pepper and a cucumber – cost $23 BZD

I decided to take a couple of pics of the new church yard to show you just how waterlogged it got after all the rain, you can also see more pics and video footage in my recent post – A taste of rainy season in San Pedro Belize. They are draining the yard and the stream of water coming out is endless and very strong.

The two I use the most are Unique Pharmacy and Spiez, both on google maps. You may need to get a local prescription although you could call them and ask in advance. Also, it is important to note that often generic versions of drugs are available here. For some things people also find Belize city pharmacies may have. Freetown Drugstore is one that gets recomended.
I have chronic migraines, I get Botox every 3 months, I take a monthly shot aimovig as well as relpax and Vicodin as needed.
I will have prescriptions with me, so could you tell me which pharmacy would be the best for those in Ambergris keys
It is Charlotte.
Isn’t that interesting about colds? When I lived in Mexico, I was always catching nasty, gobby colds. Here in Canada, I haven’t had a cold for about three years now,
Interesting Maureen, are any other churches recognizable the same way?
Hey Laurie,
I saw that church is a Latter Day Saints church. You can also tell their churches too by the steeples on the front.
I am not sure Randy and still waiting to find out.
What is the name of the church that is building in the picture?