My favorite weather app is showing scattered clouds for San Pedro, and it’s colder than yesterday, which means we are experiencing a cool 29°C, opposed to the balmy 31°C we experienced yesterday. I know some of you are about to get hit with more snow like the Wags. Hopefully your upcoming trip to Belize and being able to finally see people in the big pool as you help me test the webcam, will help you through this difficult weather. As bad of a day as I am having, I can’t imagine cold and snow in the mix – living here has truly spoiled me.
I find it ironic that I cannot see a cloud in the sky as the “scattered clouds” they are predicting. I would even add chance of storms due to an extremely frustrating tech morning, according to Wundergound, I have to wait till Wednesday for real stormy weather.
I’ve been working on the webcam all morning and managed to get a few more issues ironed out; we are almost ready to go live again if all goes well with my tech help this afternoon – yay. I have to say, other than our crazy internet and power issues lately, it has been a lot easier than I expected to be able to do remote control on camera up at Grand Caribe while I am at my desk in San Pablo.
If you want some good travel karma, please go cast your vote on the Hol Chan Reef Resort Facebook photo contest page. Just look at bottom of page to view entries section and click on that, then look for the picture of our friend Matt from Toronto in his hammock and vote, so he can win a 5 night stay in Belize.
Here are a few random pictures from my phone.

Here is how my “cloudy day” progressed – as soon as I got out of our gate to a nice choice spot in the middle of the road, the cart tire blew. Thankfully our neighbor Tamara was dropping her mom off and was able to help me push the cart to the side and dropped me off at my meeting. I was planning to take 5 minutes to finish this post when I got there, but we quickly got swept away in tech land and spent the next 3 hours working hard on the webcam.
I would say we are 80% of the way there, and now just need to work out why the code for broadcast box kept disappearing from When we added it and saw that the stream server site test view option would not show us a picture, we knew something was wrong because we had the live on air message showing.
As if a day of tech troubles and a blown tire was not enough. When I went to get my wallet out to pay for our drinks and my shrimp quesadilla, I realized it was not in my bag, and I had to walk home and back to pay the bill.
After crossing that off my list and walking home, I was able to coordinate with one of my 2 mechanical friends, and he had a helper on hand. They came and assessed what I needed and within 20 minutes hooked me up with a new used tire and rim complete with installation for $135 BZD, and 8 Belikins.

My “happy pills” to help me keep smiling though it all was remembering I am not about to get dumped on with snow like the Wags and Pharrell Williams. I was listening to him while I walked back to the restaurant to pay my bill. Then I came home and watched our friends video “Happy Playa del Carmen” to give me that extra push I needed to get over a bad day. I know Pharell would love their video after seeing him choked up with gratitude during his Oprah interview last night. He was amazed and delighted that people all over the world were making these amazing videos to his song.
Haha! Loved it. You guys need to do that in SP!