Side street
Bikini weather
Side street
Bright sunny day
Saturday afternoon
Say prayers for us
Perk gang
Looking North outside of Island Perk
Front street
Ecologic in town boarding uup
Central Park
Heading north
Boarding up
Crystal delivery
Driving north along beach
Battening down the hatches
Paul and Carole near Roy’s land
Protech boat
Side street
Middle street
Some boarding up in town
Heading south
south island
Pedro’s – a bunch of us meeting there tonight
Heading south – crystal water trucks out in full force belikin ones too
South of town – lagoon side
Cindy and Pauls house
Nancy’s Cabana’s
South roads are blocked off
Diane’s building getting boarded up
Changes in Latitudes – we did not stop but saw a couple of people in the yard preparing
Heading back into town
Heading back into town
Tropic hanger