San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Special Delivery Day

It is a most exciting day here at the taco shack – my birthday present from Paul arrived this aft when Lemon Crush Lara came back from her San Diego business trip.

A Samsung NC10 netbook – weighing in at 2.9 pounds and is pretty high powered for such a small thing. The battery life is about 8h – anyone who has a lap top knows they never last as long as the manufactures say but it definitely beats out the 1 h that my old lap top has.

Not sure why but there was a detour happening on our way out of town today. Here are a few pics I took along the way home.

Middle street

Middle Street

Side street detour



4 thoughts on “Special Delivery Day

  1. tacogirl says:

    I like it a lot Ruthie it is as fast as my reg size lap top. I thought the small screen may take getting used to but it’s fine and I love the portability of it – so light.

  2. Ruthie says:

    Oh wow…I know you were thrilled with your new netbook. I’m gonna have to buy a new laptop before we come back down to SP…my old one is still hanging on, but I don’t trust it lasting down there! Let me know how you like the netbook.

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