Recycling is often a question that comes up here in Belize and while the country is still young and we do not have an official recycling system set in place there are some creative options that you can take if you live here to recycle. I know there is a woman who collects recycling in the lane close to Xanadu Resort – I have passed by her place many times but not got around to taking a picture yet. I saw that Maria’s fruit market was selling something recently in coffee jars, and I know the Rum Cigar store was also doing recycled packaging where applicable for some products. You can see one of my recycling efforts below the bike basket that was likely a refrigerator basket or something close – found that while going for a early morning drive one day. I keep meaning to attach it to Dicks bike which I have absconded it from Paul. So glad to have a nice ride with high handle bars till he gets back. The other picture is a Rewards for Recycling poster from Bowen & Bowen. They came up with the idea to offer a nice glass Crystal pitcher for every 12 RFB bottles you turn in. Check the pole at Marina’s store if you need more details.

Another great way to recycle often comes from artists such as Chris Emmanuel who was featured in Ambergris Today a while back for his recycled bottle art sculpture of a blue nose dolphin. Not only did Chris find a use for old water bottles – he cleaned up the beach a bit while doing it. The idea began with Chris wanting to promote awareness of recycling and keeping Ambergris Caye island clean Lara from Romantic Travel Belize sent in this video that came from her friend Scott – Recycled Plastic Bottle Ecological Art Island video. About the project – Richard Branson and Leonardo Dicaprio had to buy their islands but Richart Sowa built his. MTV filmed there last week and will be airing footage in 2 months. Pictures Below are from when Little Erin was in Belize for 3 months and she was helping us do some beach clean up down south.
Great idea Alan now we just need someone to build it.
Have just watched the video of Rishi’s bottle island and am absolutely gobsmacked. What a fantastic idea. Imagine making something along the same lines, so that kids could play on it and have their own Pirates Island, or Robinson Crusoe Island and anchor it off one of the piers!!! Imagine starting such a project on the lagoon side so that new mangrove plants and coral could grow. How I wish I were 50 again, with my imagination.” Rishi;s a reet gradely lad, ” as they say in Yorkshire!!!
Alan S.