I love seeing rainbows over San Pedro – Monday afternoon I saw the most gorgeous full double arc [only one band showed up in my pictures]. I made a status update on facebook about how it was a good omen and very shortly I had a reply from Jason who put a mobile upload pic of the same rainbow from their view which is closer to the beach and a silly rainbow video from Carrie Franklin [Sofa City Sweethearts] and my Belize picture Jewelery designer. Funny thing is that the rain shower which created the rainbow lasted all of 5 minutes or less and the rainbow was not out much longer. Had I gone for my snack first over dropping everything and grabbing my camera I would have missed it – life of an ADD blogger ha ha.
Shout out my muse on the rest of this post – I always find it amazing how it all comes together. I started this one tuesdayday and figured I would add a fast wrap up and be done with it – NOT.
Today I got an email from someone who I had been corresponding with lately and he asked the following question and sent an article link.
Does this website know what they are talking about? You live there you would know better?
The article was about human trafficking. I decided to tackle this on the spot and as I started my reply – I quickly I realized I was also creating a post. I am choosing not to link back of source of the article. This is not denial of this issue sadly that exists in so many places world wide. I am doing it because I prefer to focus on focus on solutions over highlighting Problems. Shout out to all the people who are doing the same and working together in unison to help Ambergris Caye a Healthy Happy safe place for everyone.
What comes next is the my reply fleshed out with more information.
Honest opinion on that one I would be lying if I said I did not think there was any of that going on here and surrounding areas / countries – domestic abuse is a big issue here too. Someone [not sure if any relation to the author in your link] was full tilt posting similar posts.
That article says there are 90 humtraff bars – I find that number to swallow. Yes there are some local places that would be prime suspects. I have driven around the whole island a fair bit with Dick on errand runs and seen many local hole in the wall places – not seen anywhere near 90.
3 bars that employed ‘local girls’ potential places where humtraffic might occur are closed down now. One was behind our old house and in a recent conversation about area music noise at the pool I heard it is empty [not verified this] – one had a recent fire and the other one was close to the gas station and suddenly closed down. The space has newly transformed to Blackbeard’s Hideout a friendly neighborhood bar in the outside courtyard area. Big Shout out to Blackeard’s they have just offered up space for a distribution fridge inside their storage area to help out Healthy Belize. The demand is growing so fast – it is amazing.
Here are 3 recent comments I got / heard yesterday about the veggies so many of us are enjoying.
First off Pam walked into our apt to buy some local Belize grown organic produce – saw us all excited around the kitchen table and commented that we were having a veggie orgasm – very funny and to true.
Number two comes from facebook message from Grumpy and Happy not long after they got home from the with their first taste test of Zac’s organic product. O my gosh, everything tastes so good…the 3 of us just about finished the cherry tomatoes off in one sitting! Forgot to get some spinach…next time! Thanks so much for bringing the stuff in and for your kindness to Daniel…he is playing with his little red sailboat in the bathtub right now! Lorne & Jolene.
Last but not Least a comment on tacogirl.com [ Organic Farming in Belize post] from Emily who is well on her way to living here – So excited about Zac doing this! Thanks for the pointer to his Facebook page too…I am following. I had been resisting signing up for FB for years, and THIS got me to sign up at long last! Organic veggies in San Pedro – what could be better?!
If anyone has good a line on a commercial refrigerator in good working order and reasonably priced – large sized space [ living quarters above even better] that Zac could rent [to own] please make contact.
Another exciting thing coming to the island is a Mama Vilma’s Home– a woman’s and children’s shelter in process of being built on the island so people recognize a need to help protect anyone in danger be it domestic violence or the other mentioned above. Many different groups are coming together to help raise money for this important cause – three cheers for everyone who is doing the legwork to make it happen. I know that the Direct Abundance Girls will help get stuff donations for the shelter once it is built – they are excellent at that and come down with big hockey bags full of donations as often as they can.
There really are some magnificent rainbows beaming over over San Pedro in more ways than one.
Whew that was an intensive post to get out of my head – will finish it later I am definitely in need of a break a big bowl of mixed greens [same size bowl I would use for company ha ha with some black beans [can’t wait till we get organic ones] cherry tomatoes [my veggie candy] drizzeled with Olive oil and & balsamic dressing.
Will leave you with a bit of a fundraiser teaser. Direct Abundance is planning a massive Reggae concert in Belize this summer featuring one of the Biggest international Reggae singers and many other great Reggae Bands. A portion of the proceeds going to the composting toilet and Waste Water Garden project in San Mateo. Update from Jo on concert info coming soon. I will post a substantial Direct Abundance update on the progress of the whole project when I find time to piece together all the info from Heather and get details from Maureen on their churches pink fundraising toilet efforts and upcoming mission trip around San Pedro Lobsterfest 2011. If you would like to volunteer to help in with Direct Abundance Reggae concert fundraiser please leave comment or contact them through their website..
p.s. For those coming down and want to make a donation Holy Cross School school feeding program needs ongoing help right now. If you have room and are willing you could bring a big jar or 2 of peanut-butter . If you prefer to keep your luggage and want help the Belize economy consider a fruit or food donation while you are here. It is a great way to help Ambergris Caye all around. Things like watermelons – beans – spices – quality chicken – rice anything that can go far as there are around 500 kids. The school does their best to feed them Breakfast – Lunch and a daily fruit snack. Holy Cross recognizes the need for this service and how important proper nutrition is when it comes to growth and education of kids – they are the faces of the future.

You can reach Linda at lindabelize[at]hotmail.com It is a pretty amazing thing that school. Wait till you see it in person.
Laurie, If Francis is not available, would love to meet with Linda or anyone else there. Thanks so much. Ran across this video a couple of months ago and posted it on my facebook page as I later did with the need for help with the food program at HC. It is heartbreaking. I am in such awe of the Wilsons and how the Lord has used and continues to use them.
Francis may be traveling not sure. I can set you up with Linda the school secretary she will be able to help you too. Watch this Current TV video will give you background info on the school and really highlights what Holy Cross is all about and why it is so needed. https://tacogirl.com/2008/10/current-tv-documentary/
Thanks, Laurie, for the offer of the email contacts for the schools in San Pedro. I have already sent an email to Mrs. Wilson at Holy Cross a couple of weeks ago and am awaiting a reply. Would like to meet with her before I talk with other schools, so I plan to email her again.
It’s in the 30’s, cloudy and rainy here. Can’t wait to get some of the Belizean sunshine and warmth. Regards,
Cindy you have come to the right place!
Taco Girl is the ultimate Welcoming Committee
Wonderful Cindy glad you like the packing food idea for Ho,ly Cross feeding program. Another good thing I just thought of might be nuts and raisins those can be shared out. I have email contacts for school if you want them before you come.
You must be so excited for your move. I am glad my blog is helping you stay connected to Belize. See you soon.
Hi Laurie, I will be in San Pedro in a couple of weeks to look for housing for my move down in early June. After spending 10 months researching Belize, I finally came across your site. I can’t believe it took me so long. I went back and read your earlier posts first and worked my way to the current posts. It was really weird to see a picture of your pool and realize that I knew where it is, and the name of the house. A couple of weeks ago I sent money via paypal to Frances Wilson at Holy Cross School for their food program. Now I see a reference to their need on here. I have been checking their site ever since I came back from Belize in January. I hope to meet with Mrs. Wilson while I am there this time. I really like your suggestion of putting food in my luggage to bring down to Holy Cross and will be sure to have something for them.
Your site has helped make me feel like I am already a member of the San Pedro community and I will be checking it everyday. Thanks for all that you do with your site. Because of your site, I am making arrangements to rent a phone BEFORE I get there so my family will have a phone number for me before I leave the U.S. I look forward to meeting you someday in San Pedro. I’m sure I will recognize you.