Freddy Nuñez popped me this morning in fb to let me know he was sending a poem for me to post on the blog. Off to town to run some errands then come back this way for an afternoon meeting. See you Soon.
I love how you can often plan a meeting here and make it happen simply by putting it out there and being on the right time track. This was the case for mentally planning running into Dianne this afternoon and then watching it happen as Dianne pulled up behind us when coming out of her BC’s office on our way into town. I just turned around and called out we needed to talk so we went by the old Tropic Cargo to have a meeting and discuss some upcoming details before One Caribbean Weather Arrival.
Que Bonito Mi San Pedro
Que bonito es mi San Pedro
Cuando llega la nocheser
Que bonito es mi San Pedro
Con mis hermanos Sanpedranos
Con lo amable que nos llevamos
Con lo umilde que nos ayudamos
Con su belleza naturaleza
Con sus estrellas que belleza
Que bonito es mi San Pedro
Tan preciocio por su mar
Tan bello por su arecife
Por las olas y sus peses
Que bonito mi San Pedro
Somo luchadores y trabajadores
Honestos y trunfadores
Que bonito mi San Pedro
Con mi gente tan honrada
Como el agua del mar
La isla tan bonita
Como las estrellas de mar
Que bonito es mi San Pedro
Como podre olvidar de su belleza natural
Ya casi llega la nocheser es que a tu lado
A la oria del mar en mi bello San Pedro
Quiero amaneser
Written by Freddy Manny Nuñez
I went to and here is the english version exactly as they gave it to me.
That Pretty My San Pedro
That pretty is my San Pedro
When arrives the nocheser
That pretty is my San Pedro
With my brothers Sanpedranos
With the kind thing that we carry us
With it umilde that we help us
With its beauty nature
With its stars that beauty
That pretty is my San Pedro
So preciocio by its So beautiful sea by its arecife
By the waves and its despite
That pretty my San Pedro
Somo fighters and Honest workers and trunfadores
That pretty my San Pedro
With my people as honest as the water of the sea
The island as pretty as the starfish
That pretty is my San Pedro
As pus to forget of its natural beauty
Already almost arrives the nocheser is that to your side
TO the oria of the sea in my beautiful one San Pedro I Want amaneser