A Destiny Moment
In a hush hush final performance Tuesday night, lucky locals that got the word were able to party with a great band at the Palapa Bar... it was up close, personal, totally off the hook and perhaps the best night out on the island I have ever had!
Nicest guys you’ll ever meet… they loooved Ambergris Caye and were LOVED RIGHT BACK! – Denise Hansen
I started this write up with my friend’s quote as I thought it was very fitting.
It was another great night of live music for me too starting with a impromptu private party upstairs to christen the new second story deck and getting to hear Abracadabra band play while hanging out “back stage” which really means alternating between watching spotted eagle rays and Abracadabra through the big open windows. The opening band was great too and they were troopers for continuing to play and keep us entertained during the power outage.
Events leading up to the concert were pretty funny too. Half the island was keeping it a secret and talking “mystery performance” at the Palapa bar and then suddenly I got what I am assuming was a group text saying something along the lines of – Abracadabra 6:00 pm tonight at Palapa. See you there…. Even funnier is that I never saw the person who sent the text about the concert – although it was so crowded I could have easily missed them. It’s not always easy to keep a secret on this island 😀
Now for the Good Stuff – VIP Party on the Second Floor
It all started with me asking Palapa Bar owner Jodie if I could show my friends Cowboy Doug and Gary West the new addition – I had been up there twice already but neither of them had seen it yet. Of course, Jodie said she would take us up and give them a quick tour. It is close to done but not quite ready. The sink and plumbing are getting installed this week in time for the upcoming 10 day San Pedro Lobster Festival.
No sooner did we get upstairs and Cowboy decided to buy a bottle of Crown Royal and christen the new bar that he was standing behind. Let the party begin.
Of course that led to a few more friends coming up, then the band came upstairs for a less crowded place to eat their meal in peace before the show. Next came a private bouncer – downstairs was busier than a one-toothed man in a corn-on-the-cob eating contest and they did not want the crowd upstairs since it is not officially open to the public yet.
It was not long before I started getting Fb messenges from a few friends I had planned to meet, asking if I was in the crowd and how to by-pass the bouncer to come and see me once they found out where I was 🙂

A Couple of Pictures From our Walk to Palapa Bar and Grill
After I picked my friend Denise up in town we walked the beach to get to Palapa. A bit of back story on her. Denise has been coming for years to do Medical Missions in Southern Belize. They walk 8 km or so with foot lockers to remote villages to help treat people who have no medical or dental options available. This year her group went to 9 villages and served nearly 900 Maya people. Every year after that challenging and life changing event, Denise comes to San Pedro to enjoy some down time and visit her many many friends.
Our walk down the beach was peaceful and gorgeous. It was low tide and the water was glassy calm aside from the wake of boats.

Sounds like fun.