I decided to take a look at the flip side of Pet Peeves and think about what makes me happy. and think about what makes me happy. My list has changed over the years and is is much bigger than below, those are a few of the top ones.
– A freshly made bed
– The curry snapper I ate at Robin’s kitchen last night.
– Today being my 3rd water workout this week, once by myself and twice at Banana Beach with Eileen.
– Starting to fix up the beach cruiser in Dicks yard yesterday with a goal to look a bit less Sanford and son. We put a new seat on, rust coat, bike basket an handlebar grips coming.
– Waking up in a king size bed at Grand Caribe Resort on St Georges Caye Day.
– The people in my life near and afar.
– Taking a really good picture.
– Seeing Dolphins.
– When I catch good music videos on tv.
– Large avocados.
– Catching a good sunrise or sunset.
– When the bank is line free.
What makes you Happy?

Nice Paul, you just made me think of one more – anytime someone else is doing the cooking 🙂
That makes me happy too Carbunkle Trumpet
A nice bottle of red wine while getting together with friends
Anytime I can get below the 17th Lat makes me happy.
Good one Charlotte.
Sitting at the end of a pier in Isla Mujeres with a sweet bun and a coffee at dusk watching the sun set over the ocean waves. Ahhhhh heaven.