I never claimed my Spanish was very good but I thought I would at least be able to decipher the mixing instructions on the Jamaica tang package to figure out the powder to water ratio. I enlisted the help of my big magnifying glass for small print and BabbleFish translation – the results were pretty funny and had Paul and I laughing very hard. In the end I came to the conclusion that it was close enough to just chuck the whole package in a 1 gallon water bottle.
In a vasso 200ml put 1 G-string soup tureen spoonful and unites agregue water fria, preveiamente boiled or bottled. sweeten to the flavor
In vasso 200ml put 1 nosey spoonful of tang and agregue cold water, previously boiled or bottled. It sweetens to the pleasure.
Curious if anyone else having an issue with small bitey things with all this rain? Last few nights we noticed what ever it was were out in full force and on the attack. I am guessing noseeums but not sure.
San Pedro Weather – still on the wet side and we have a cold front moving in brrrr
Stay tuned for more…
in a vasso 200ml put 1 G-string soup tureen spoonful and unites aregue water fria, preveiamente boiled or bottled. sweeten to the flavor
———– Original Text —————-
en un vasso 200ml ponga 1 cucharada sopera de tanga y une aregue agua fria, preveiamente hervida o embotellada. endulce al gusto
Thanks Joe thanks for catching my dyslexia.
you spelled Jamaica wrong in your page title 🙂 Great story!
Apparently it is moving through tomorrow Bill so hopefully only a day or 2. I would not go overkill on warm clothing but if your wife tends to get cold she will definitely want to have a warm option. Wraps and hoodies come in handy here at times. Our friend Dick just gave his 2 cents that when a cold front has hit in past it can drop as low as 78. Ambergris Daily shows Highs: 31°C/88°F – Lows: 22°C/72°F. If you have computer access while here you can refer to http://www.Ambergrisdaily.com for daily San Pedro weather.
In the words of my wife who would get a chill on the surface of the sun, “What exactly does cold front mean”? We arrive tomorrow (Friday). Are we talking some blue jeans and sweat shirts, or is that overkill?