San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Live from Pedro’s

At Pedro’s for bowling night.

I was glad to get out for a bit, had a bad headache when I woke up which is rare. The kind that sits in your forehead and around eyes not fun. It lasted most of the day and I did not go to tai chi, just tried to sleep it off. By 4 pm I had had enough rest and was feeling a bit better so I told Paul I was up for a walk and hanging out a bit at Pedro’s. I am glad we came cause Cindy is working, Sari turned up and we got to meet Merric and Joe and bowl with them.

The second game I managed to come back from last place in the 10th frame and take first place by getting a turkey (3 strikes in a row)

The guys are playing golf now so I thought I would fire off a quick blog while waiting for our pizza.

Cindy says to say hello to anyone she knows who is reading this blog. Please feel free to leave a comment for Cindy if you like.

Pizza is here half garlic shrimp half bbq chicken yum.

Adios Amigos – Pics to follow when I get home

Sand sidewalk

Make a right after the pink building

Fruit stand on the way to Pedro’s

Pedro’s Inn

Cindy and Walter

Pedro golfing

Pedro bowling

Me bowling

Walter and I hanging out

1 thoughts on “Live from Pedro’s

  1. Ros says:

    I think we are going to have to try out Pedro’s Inn when we come down. Please say hello to Cindy, Paul and Molly for us. We usually see them at Crazy Canucks.

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