It’s not easy keeping secrets in San Pedro, but everyone managed to pull it off and surprise Renita for her 50th birthday party. Her good friends Rena and Fay even flew in from the states, which was great because they helped keep her busy.
In party planning, it’s always good to be flexible and be prepared for anything. Cindy had to change direction – her orbit was spun in motion toward aqua-fit and away from decorating. She is a pro party planner and had a few people willing to help decorate and be on call for balloon emergencies until she was able to get there herself.
The cavalry rolled in one by one. Diana, Chefy and Pat had the decorating under control, so I decided to further dress the sage with Windex to all the windows and mirrors. One of the staff from Fido’s came up to mop and clean off all the furniture outside.

One by one we all got pulled away to other business. Mine was making party food and shoe shopping. My quest for basmati rice started at Super Buy and ended at Green House; the price was a little more, $15.30 versus $12.95, but since I was on a time limit I was not going to chance finding it at one of the shops on my way home. Plus, Evelia keeps things fresh at her shop.
As for shoes, that is not an easy thing to do on the island but I managed to find a comfortable pair of wedges at Top Notch for $70 BZD. I wanted to look good for my 2 dates, Hayley and Paul 🙂
My easy to cook and delicious simple party food choice was a big batch of pesto rice. (Still savoring the 6 jars of Clasico pesto I brought home from Canada, this was definitely an occasion to use a bit extra to make it really yummy)

The food that showed up was delicious, except for one thing. Unfortunately some cheese had made it one someone’s platter that was perfume bombed. This was Hayley’s first experience with getting perfumed, so Paul and I went onto explain a few of the ways and places it has happened to us. For those of you who do not know, perfume bombed is a slang term for food that has been transported too lose to cleaning products and has absorbed the smell and taste.
The pot-stickers and bean salad were both a big hit at our table, as well as the cupcakes and glazed cinnamon pizza.

At parties you never know who will show up even if they said yes. My cousin and I always say the right people will be there, and that was totally the case Saturday night. The friends came out to celebrate Renita were just as good as the food, and none of them perfume bombed the room. Watching the video that her friends all made submissions, it was nice to see so many people that were there in spirit.

As a special treat, Dixie brought a cool bottle of special edition wedding beer for a toast. It was time to pop the cork so she could say a special toast to Renita.
Glen started, then Jodie took over, and passed it back to Glen. All the while we were hearing tales of those who are skilled enough to sabre it off with a machete. The bottle made it’s way to the downstairs bartenders to finish the job – unfortunately my pic of that came out too fuzzy to post.

I will leave you with a few Friday night pics of Crazy Canucks Trivia, and my next stop to hear Nick Jerome and Coconut Leo playing in the lounge at El Divino afterwards. Thanks again to La Perlas of Wisdom for donating their share $136 pot to the San Pedro Red Cross.

Happy Birthday RDD!