I had the best Karaoke Cab in Belize City. My traveling companions were with Gaylynn and Teddy-bear, we drove around for about 5 hours doing errands, eating fried chicken and laughing our @asses off. In spite of the heavy dreary weather we are having from Invest 95L – see multiple sources of coverage in the thread on AmbergrisCaye.com Belize Message board. The humor and laughter actually started as soon as we got on the plane. Our Maya pilot was very funny cracking jokes about what our food and drinks options were and so stay tuned for the inflight movie.

First stop was Brodies near the swing bridge, Gaylynn could not believe she had never been there. We got delayed as there was no parking and Teddy had to circle the block while we shopped and we ended up running a few minutes late for our 12:00 lunch meeting with Steven. Thanks to Jason having found the secret menu on our smart phones to make them work in a 4g area I was able to call him and let him know we were on our way.
When we were emailing to make plans, he had recommended we go to Friendship Restaurant and qualified it as “The best fried chicken joint outside my deceased mothers kitchen.” At the restaurant we got in a discussion over it, Teddy-bear cast his vote for Chon Saan Palace. We will have to go for a tie breaker, I will say Friendship was good but you have to be in a fried food mood to really enjoy it. I throw in my 2 cents for Ambergris Caye and recommended Sun Up Chinese Restaurant. Way back Sir Isaac Newton told us to try Sun Up because the spices they used were like Kentucky fried chicken and I totally agree.

After lunch we were ready to shop some more and hit the second Broadies across from Benny’s Hardware as it was close by the restaurant. I scored two 7″ x “10 magnifier sheets and a colorful striped mesh make up bag. We briefly scanned the food isles and drooled a but but opted not to grocery shop this time around, it was a housewares trip.

After quick stop at the Heritage Bank ATM to refuel, we were ready to shop some more 🙂 So we hit the next place Gaylynn’s errand list Mirab Furniture store. This is a great place to go if you are planning to furnish your house, they have a big selection of furniture in fact almost too much. I saw lots of things I liked and Gaylynn found the tropical metal wall art pieces she was looking for.
Shopping is thirsty work, I asked Teddy to stop at my favorite juice place near the ITVET building so I could treat them to a jumbo size watermelon juice. Their juice is yummy, always fresh and super cheap $2. Both Gaylynn and Teddy-bear agreed that was just what we all needed to hydrate and refresh.

Re-energized from our juice, Teddy decided it was time for some Karaoke Cab. He fired up his in car karaoke machine serenaded us as with golden oldies country music as we drove to the other Mirab store downtown for our last shopping stop.
I scored a closet organizer and a coffee mug. I was going to buy Paul some Mike and Ike’s but I could tell when I picked up the box that they were melted together so I passed, this is a common thing in regards to buying candy and chocolate in Belize. Gaylynn got some plastic bowls, a bed cover, artwork, a nice plate, a couple of coffee cups and I forget what else.

It took forever to save Karaoke Cab as an mp4 movie upload it to youtube. I am guessing all the rain is helping log jam Belize internet with everyone being cooped up inside.

By the time we got to Municipal Airport, my fried chicken was long gone so I convinced Gaylynn to do a quick pit stop at the Admiral before flying home. It was delicious and a good amount of food for $12 BZD It was not till we hit San Pedro that we started getting rain on the plane windows. After landing in San Pedro, we saw it was a lot wetter than it was when we left that morning.
So much so that the boxes soaked through on the way back to Mary’s place and we got stuck in a big mud puddle on the side road around the corner from Roadkill and Across from Exotic Caye. I got out to push and was suddenly up to my the bottom of left knee in water. We had a good laugh had to wade back through all the crazy puddles after our visit at Mary’s house because the golf cart had got to wet to start again.

If you heading to Belize City and want a Karaoke Cab in Belize City ride you can call Teddy-bear at 600-5002, he is really nice, super funny and very entertaining.