Belize Fitness

Results are in

As I sat there watching Jaun do Carole’s fitness assessment – taking pics and drinking my iced coffee I could totally see why she is getting such good results with him for a trainer. He payed attention – took time to explain things and helped motivate her to push past her previous times.

One of the things I thought was really cool about Juan’s training is that you can opt for the food assessment and he will creating a special weekly menu specifically for your needs. Carole chose this option and in addition to her weekly food menu – Juan also went through a bunch of restaurant menu’s and customized them for her so that Carole could still eat out but will have the healthy options to choose from and be easily able to remember what they are. In doing this he  talks to the chefs and finds our how they prepare the food – just because she can eat conch fritters at one place does not mean she can have them everywhere. On certain weeks she is even ok to go for to Dandie’s and enjoy raspberry sorbet on a sugar cone – how cool is that.

Carole has been working out 4 times a week with Juan and doing his food plan for 2 months now and over the course of that time her body shape has changed a lot and she has been getting more compliments that ever. When Carole started her weight was  112 and that dropped to to 103.6. Her body fat was  22.7 %  and she is now at 10.4%. Since she has dropped enough in those 2 areas Juan has asked her what her new goals are and she said she wants 6 pack abs and to tighten and tone.

Carole says that as a result of sticking to her work out and food program she is feeling better than ever. She has noticed improvements to her neck and back and does not feel sore anymore when she is working a long day or doing a cart ride north on bumpy roads.

Juan said he definitely notices her increased strength – better cardio and said that it will not be long before she gets those lean tight results she is looking for.

If you are looking for someone to help you get good healthy results Juan is your man. You can contact him at Juan Alamilla 627-8496  or  jjalamilla[at]live[dot]com to set up a consultation.

8 thoughts on “Results are in

  1. tacogirl says:

    Hey Dita

    Just write him at the email listed above and tell him you saw the blog and how he might be helping Carole’s daughter online and see if he is willing to work out a program with you. As you can tell from Carole’s new figure and her stats – if you are willing to follow what he says you will definitely get results.

  2. Dita says:

    Great job, Carole! How do we enlist Juan online? With those kind of results, I sure could use his help!

  3. carole goudreau says:

    Thanks every One . You can do it Val ! He can help you online .It could be a bit harder to start but when you start you’ll see how good you feel after few times, that is what you have to remember when you don’t want to skip one work out or have junk food.The first 4 weeks are the hardest, but when you start to feel the result it helps you keep going. It feels so Good.Thanks Juan to help me. This is my addiction now, my drug it just to keep going and feel so good ::)

  4. Valerie Collin says:

    Hi mom…you look great! i sure wish we had a trainer like him here in Iqaluit. keep up the good work!

  5. Ruthie says:

    Wow, you must tell Carol that she looks like a million! Hard work really does pay off, she deserves a big high five.

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