For 8:00 am on Sunday it is pretty quiet in the San Pablo area. Oddly enough it was noisier at 5:00 am when I awoke to a singing neighbor. It could be worse; sometimes we get a confused rooster crowing long before daylight.
I had made plans to go to breakfast with Paul this morning. Due to last night’s poker run, I am waiting quietly until an appropriate time to see if it is still happening or on delay. The plan was to meet at Estel’s but I’m hoping to reroute to Sandbar to switch it up. When I had some time to kill before my flight to Caye Caulker the other day, I unexpectedly ended up at Estel’s.
I’m leaving you with a few pics from my last couple of days of driving around town with my friend Dick, lunch at Sand Bar with Paul and our gorgeous San Pedro Belize weather. It has been super hot and perfect for beach time, there were lots of people swimming this weekend. As for the swarmy is part, we have been experiencing intermittent patches of daytime mosquitoes. Those are the ones to watch out for as they are potential dengue carriers.
Last but not least San Pedro Belize Red Cross greatly appreciated being selected to receive June’s monthly donation program. I think it is fantastic that this month’s funds will go to a new EKG machine for the Dr. Otto Rodriguez San Pedro Polyclinic II. I hope you will all go enjoy a delicious meal and dessert at Blue Water Grill – San Pedro, Belize during the month of July and help a great cause.

Side note: I would also like to send a shout out to our Amish friend (I never got your name) for surprising Anu and me by picking up the dinner tab and leaving us with only our dessert bill. Because of you, we paid it forward and gave a larger donation towards the EKG machine 🙂