I received a post from The San Pedro Sun about Roni Martinez and his quest to help protect the Scarlet Macaw of Belize. Always wanting to help people but not get scammed, I started asking around about this guy and sure enough, found out in about an hour they are in fact legit.
It’s not always easy to discover if something you are donating to online is real or just a sham, but this was fairly simple. First, it was part of The San Pedro Sun newspaper, second I didn’t find anything bad about them on SNOPES.com, and third I asked a friend that lives down there and she suggested I contact Belize Bird Rescue Avian Rehabilitation Centre and Sanctuary. I called at first but got no answer, so I emailed them and got a fast reply from Nikki Buxton. So in less than four hours I had my answer, donated online safely, and passed the info to all my friends on Facebook. Roni does marvelous work even though it’s hard and sometimes dangerous, they need these long-range radios to help these beautiful birds.
I’m not in Belize yet, in fact have NEVER been there, except online and in my mind, but planning a trip there soon. So I wanted to begin to help a cause that is part of the country I hope to call home someday. This was a perfect start! No amount is too small, it’s easy and you’ll feel really good about it! I hope someday to be able to see these beautiful birds in their natural habit and thriving, instead of teetering on the brink of extinction in the Country. Go to the Scarlet Macaw Protection Belize page on Go Fund Me and help Roni there. It’s easy!
Susan Watts
Bucks County, PA USA
The featured image above and the first picture here are courtesy of the Scarlet Six Bio-monitoring team Facebook page – like them to show your support and see more fantastic pictures.

What a beautiful and majestic bird and an important cause. I will be checking out the FB page.