First meeting will be Thurs. June 5 at 2pm at Island Perk.
Coleen at Island Perk is starting a much needed garden club. Cheers for helping to beautify the island and teaching kids how to garden. Here is a little about her gardening experience.
A little about me and my motivations to start the club. It came about after the town wide clean up effort this past fall. There was a general lack of planning for town beatification during this clean up. I saw a need to bring people together who share a love of plants, or just want to learn more, so we could spearhead efforts in plantings in town. I also saw a need for the local population to be able to grow so of their own fruits and vegetables after the storages of Hurricane Dean on the island. I want to be able to sponsor school yard gardens and teach the children the love of plants, the environment and how to grown fresh produce at their schools and homes.
My gardening background comes from studying Horticulture and Landscape Design. I believe in sustainable gardening using organic methods and integrated pest management ideals. I was a long time volunteer to CREEC (Carquinez Regional Environmental Education Center) where we did restoration of parklands in the San Francisco Bay Area for Monarch Butterflies. We managed our own native plant greenhouse and nursery for these projects, while employing local youths to work on the projects and at the nursery. Plus I also designed our landscape in our previous house that was a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. Here are a few pictures of what we were able to do.
more pics to come internet not letting me upload any right nowCaterpillar – by Coleen
Garden dining – by Coleen
Island Perk donated 10% to flood victims today
Reef Radio was collecting stuff at the Lion’s Den
Donations for People who got flooded on mainland in various areas of Belize.
True Bill, some people who are further from town have more black earth – I am sure Verde will work it out somehow.
It’s an excellent idea to have a garden club there on AC. Howver the biggest obsticle isee to sucess is ” DIRT”. Not all plants will do well in a sandy soil. Compost, by itself, does not make a good planting medium.
But that being said.. Good luck I think it’s a wonderful idea.
Bill MC