The period right before and during the full moon was very active. On the day of, I was invited to the second half (couldn’t do the first half) of a high five Yoga workshop at Pier 366 Seafood House Restaurant. I knew this would be the perfect ambient outdoor place to soak in the glow.
There were seven of us plus our two teachers Nathalie and Shannon. Together they led us on a journey of self-discovery and encouraged us to share. If not then, at any point in time with people we felt comfortable with.
I was feeling quiet and did not say much that day. I enjoyed listening to other people’s feelings and insights.
Shannon led us through a yoga session. I have to admit I have yet to try yoga and resonate with it. I spent half of the time sitting quietly and focusing on my breathing and trying not to fidget too much. I was definitely not as bendy as everyone else, but I did not mind. I felt peaceful and at ease.
Next came Nathalie’s workshop dialoguing with an imaginary friend/inner self about how you feel and things you want to release in your life that are doing you no benefits. We also did some breath work with scents.
Being that it was the last full moon of the year, my mini-me was ready to unleash and release some creativity as the right way to lead up to a Happy New Year and another anniversary (in Belize since January 3rd, 2006.) After the workshop, I spent two useful chunks of time on some artistic collage work. It felt good to be creative in a different visual way putting together words and images that resonate with me.
We started winding down and letting go at the end of the dock. It was the perfect place to toss our thoughts to the breeze and allow for insight into which direction to set our sails in 2020.

Above was my favorite group shot. I tried not to take many people pictures because we were all in a relaxed state and not focusing on looking any certain way for the camera.
Dinner at Pier 366 was perfect for our group – part vegetarian, and all trying to eat healthily. As is often the case for workshops, we enjoyed fun family-style eating.
We had delicious food wood-fired pizza, ceviche, goat cheese salad, and chicken strips. As we passed plates around the big covered table, everyone got to know each other a little deeper. It was a well-balanced group and there was a great exchange of thoughts and feelings.
I was definitely thinking and feeling a lot of joy in the moment and happy to be sharing a slice with so many people I did not know. Now I am able to share my plate with you and wishing I had a do-over in front of me. Imagine a plate-like that and a great conversation.

More of all our delicious food above. I was in heaven between the food and the full moon. Before we ate, Nathalie offered us some CCF tea; a blend of cumin, coriander, and fennel, balancing for all three doshas (biological energies) and gently increases digestive enzymes while reducing gas and bloating.
Artistic open-air pizza oven area.

I chose the picture below to post as it is a good reminder of why I like going to Pier 366 – very charming. It is open seven days a week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner from 7:00 am – 9:00 pm. Imagine you and a friend or group enjoying a meal there. They also have a nice beach bar with a lounge area. To see it and a fun Ambergris Caye adventure between the west side and the beach at Banyan Bay, click through to my Directions? Look for the Sails – pirate flotilla party write up. Pier 366 also provides catering and take out. It’s a great place to bring kids or go on a date with a variety of outdoor seating. Walk-ins are welcome, but reservations are recommended on holidays and special occasions. Watch Pier 366 Seafood House Facebook page for events.

It was not long into our meal when the time struck fast to pitch my tripod and go for my full moon featured image shot. I wanted that to be a good thank you to high five Yoga Health and Healing for the event invite and Maria Novelo of Banyan Bay for arranging my meal at Pier 366.
After we ate we finished off in a circle on the beach doing some mantra’s (affirmative statements) and breathwork.
I gave it my best shot to capture the moon from a few different locations that night. Thankfully for my tripod and my Nikon Coolpix B500, I was able to get a decent shot. Great zoom for the price.

Patz’s Deli and Keller Williams
These two new businesses, Patz’s Delicatessen and Market and Keller Williams threw a great grand opening party at The Commons building along with their neighbor Madisco. Who was there serving wine and so was wine stewardess Cynthia Paugh for Patz’s Deli. There was also a cigar bar – Brun del Ré Cigars.
Chef Patrick Parmentier is now offering tasty food at his new deli. Among the offerings, there will be English breakfast, chicken and waffles, salmon frittata, hangover hash, classic broccoli quiche, and Dutch pancakes.
All of Patrick’s appetizers that night were super yummy. The wine also got great reviews. I shared my tickets with our corner crew who amassed a small pile of extras.

The crowd shot below was taken right before it hit peak busy. Many people came out to wish everyone well with this new group of businesses ready to work together and thrive. The area was nicely laid out for the party with no shortage of table seating and stand up tables.

More, tasty treats. It does not get much better than smiling staff serving trays of delicious appetizers and desserts made by Chef Patrick.

Patz’s Delicatessen and fresh market is my brainchild, for me, the idea of opening a delicatessen and fresh market in San Pedro was to fill the need for local, expat and tourists. A place for people to enjoy breakfast, lunch, fresh salads, sandwiches combined with an in house bakery, and deli case. All the deli meats will be prepared in house as well as the deli salad, cheeses, and meat. Patz delicatessen is also offering ready to eat meals and a fresh meat market. We have bread made daily as well as pastries. Patz Delicatessen allows you to pre-order and customize your orders.
Come visit me along with my better half and wine stewardess Cynthia Paugh. We are ready to serve you delicious food and well-flavored wines. Sincerely, Chef Patrick Parmentier.

Below is Cynthia Paugh of Patz’s Delicatessen pouring a glass for Jon J Foy. Beyond them to the right is the new Keller Williams Office.
I asked Kate Corrigan of Keller Williams how their Real Estate Company makes a difference in the community. Here is what she had to say. “At the core of Keller Williams is Culture. It is the building block, the foundation of our company. Keller Williams believes in education helping people build their business and the communities they call home. Keller Williams Kids Can is a free course that we offer young people between the ages of 18 – 30 which teaches them to think big, make goals break them down to what they need to do today to make their goals a reality. We help them identify their “big Why” so that each day the tasks completed will get them to their goals which are easier to achieve. Each Year to celebrate our culture agents from around the world down tools and set about doing something in their community we call it RED DAY. Literally, nearly 190,000 agents worldwide take part in refurbishing playgrounds, painting school walls, promoting literacy, feeding families, or whatever they see a need for in the community. Over the four years, we have been in business in Belize we painted the school wall at New Horizons by Hidden Treasure Restaurant in Escalante subdivision in San Pedro. We also did repairs to the cemetery in the San Ignacio district, painted and cleaned the park in San Ignacio, worked with the kids in the San Ignacio Library, and partnered with a huge trash pick up on Ambergris Caye. We also support Belize Rotary, Rotaract and Hope Haven. The only reason I started working in real estate was because I was introduced to Keller Williams and believed in practicing the culture of the company I could make a difference to the lives of the people I am fortunate enough to help on their Belize adventures. Whether it is in a community in need, assisting people in moving closer to their families or finding a new place in a new country. ” Kate Corrigan

Salon Party
Our Cayo herbalist Kim Ringland of Kimmers Creations came to do a talk on her new sugar scrub, chai tea, and jungle relief oil. All were discussed as ways to health and wellbeing.
It is important to work on ourselves from the inside out when it comes to health and pain management. Jungle relief oil roller is a great external pain relief option. A few active ingredients in the rollerball: comfrey oil for healing bones and tendons, copal oil which is good for all skin problems and birch essential oil, which acts as a topical aspirin. Perfect for after bumpy cart or boat rides, pain flare-ups, muscle tightness.
Her new sugar scrub is a great way to exfoliate and polish your skin. Always a good thing between the sun and our dusty roads.
I ended up with a rose and argon night serum and an a-z cream from Kim, she often gives samples at her demo parties. I am going to need to order a new rollerball, mine somehow has temporarily disappeared.

The CG Esthetic event was also a small fundraiser and with the two-for-one clothing sale and November/December money, $225 was raised for the kitchen at Hope Haven. Thanks to all who donated clothing and participated. The two-for-one sale will continue until December 31st at CG Esthetic. Who knows you might just find a great $5 dress. The shop is still accepting gently used clothing donations as well.

Kim also told us the benefits of her fresh golden chai mix, a blend of eastern spices that contain anti-inflammatory properties and reduces pain, anxiety, and stress. She drinks it with honey or local brown sugar.

The picture below came from Kim to show her doing her thing in Cayo collecting fresh ingredients to make her skincare, tinctures, oils, and salves. Stop by or Facebook message CG Esthetic for the full product and price list.