Aerial view of Caye Caulker Island

Flying to Caye Caulker on a Mission and a Travel Light Tacogirl Tip

I figured since it was Labor Day holiday and I could not get the stuff done that I needed to yesterday, I would travel instead. So I emailed Tropic Air Reservations at 7:48 am to what the availability was to fly San Pedro to Caye Caulker. Did I mention I love living so close to the airport? While waiting for a reply I finished what I was doing and packed my travel bag – a black cooler. After I found out they had space, I sent a fast book me please reply as I was walking out the door for the airport. In the 7 minutes it took me to reach the airport from my house, they had already confirmed my booking and I was in the system – now that’s fast service!

Tropic Air flight from San Pedro to Municipal Airport
Full flight to Municipal Airport stopping on Caye Caulker

Food First

Knowing I was considering the trip, one of my friends gave me 4 Caye Caulker restaurant recommendations to try; Mike’s Margaritas, The Fair, Aladdin and Pizza and Gelato Italiano. Since I was not in the mood for a virgin Margarita, Mikes got a pass by and a pic – looks like a fun spot though. Right next door The Fair happened to be closed so that put my plans for a corn dog on hold. Instantly I became a homing pigeon for pizza, as I made my way to the split area to find the pizza place. My eggplant and basil combo was delicious – $14.50 bz including a water. I am not usually a fan of thick crust but they got it right substance without being heavy and a good sized slice served in a nice silver pan.

For a sweet treat, After Eight Gelato – $6 BZD 1 scoop cup. They even let me charge my phone and offered useful tech help when the outlet was not working – when electronic things are not working correctly remember to reboot. I did pass Aladdin after and it is one of those side street gems that is easy to miss. On my way back through town, The Fair was open so I got my $4 corn dog and liked it a lot. That is until the thought of how nutritionally bad hot dogs are popped in my head, but I ate it anyways. It was good and I would do it again 🙂 I opted to keep it plain and enjoy the memory of the old school flavor – not had one since I was a kid.

Caye Caulker Restaurant
Lunch at Pizza and Gelato Italiano. Notice the size of the pan it gets served on no small paper plate.
 Caye Caulker Resuarant
After Eight gelato for dessert.
View at Pizza and Gelato Italiano Restaurant Caye Caulker
My lunch view could not be beat.
Paddelboarding at the split on Caye Caulker
More of my lunchtime award winning live TV view.
The Fair Caye Caulker Resuaurant
Heading back towards The Fair and Mikes Margaritas
Caye Caulker fast food restaurant
Corn dog straight up
Cake Caulker bar
Perfect seaside drink stop on the way to the split
Caye Caulker Belize beach expansion
Expanded beach looks great

My Mission

Onto my real reason for flying to Caye Caulker, it was twofold. Thanks to my friend Jack, I discovered I should bump up my reading glasses and was hoping to find a different selection one island over. As it turns out I found one pair of decent 175 strength and only Quan sold them of all the stores I checked on the island. Everyone else was sunglasses only.

Shopping on Caye Caulker
First stop Quan for reading glasses

More important, the second part of my mission was to get pictures of lobster traps for my next Belize Tourism Board article in the reporter. As I walked along the back roads and beach side of the island, I found no shortage of slat box style lobster traps and piles of zinc shades. On my second pass to get pictures at different lighting, I ran into Lloyd. He was really nice and took the time to explain to me about the various traps I was taking pictures of. The box kind (also known as a pot) had a funnel entry to them he explained ;bait was not required. Then he showed me how fresh stacks of frames will become the ends of new traps and old metal drums will get used to catch lobster. He even had an interesting recycling pile, his future shades were all hoods of vehicles.

Getting ready for lobster season in Belize
Lloyd showing me lobster traps and lobster shades
Funnel mouth lobster trap on Caye Caulker
Funnel mouth lobster trap – no bait needed
2016 lobster season Caye Caulker Belize
Lloyd showing me how the traps get built
Building lobster traps on Caye Caulker
Top gets cut off sides pinched together and holes drilled in drums to make an easily sinkable trap

Don’t forget to like the three main Belize lobster festival Facebook pages to keep informed of upcoming events.

Last Minute Adventures

Soon was time to head back to San Pedro, I was booked on the 3:45 flight. Since I knew it was not far, I decided to walk back to catch my plane and explore more around that area and beyond. Where else could you experience the views in the pictures below while walking back to an airport to catch a flight home?

Caye Caulker Belize Mini Reserve
I took a short wander inside the mini reserve on the way to the airport
Walking to Caye Caulker Airport
Long crooked dock
View while walking to Caye Caulker Airport
Dockside couch and pink Adirondack chair. I was tempted to go sit but continued exploration won.
Houses on Caye Caulker Island
Exploring further south than the airport a bit and saw some cool houses
Property for sale near Caye Caulker Airport
Property for sale and a worker let me come in and enjoy their sprinkler on the grass to cool off a few min.

Want More Caye Caulker?

Check out my One Day Caye Caulker Itinerary, or Bound for Belize Blog. Robert and Rose were there the same day I flew over too but I never ran into them.

Caye Caulker and San Pedro Videos

Caye Caulker and San Pedro Videos

Caye Caulker video I took while there.

I know many of you are missing San Pedro, so I filmed a San Pedro Airport landing for you too.

tacogirl Tip #1 – for Traveling Light

It’s always good to make smart choices when you travel. Here are three three small but powerful items I like to pack in my carry on:

  • Health: Especially in hot places like Belize, flavored re-hydration salts sold in single use packages. Most of us do not get enough liquids while traveling. Add these to your bottle of water and boost your hydration any point during your trip.
  • Beauty: Burt Bee’s chap stick with peppermint essential oils. Not only will you keep from getting chapped lips, the mint freshens you up on arrival and makes your lips tingle 🙂
  • Halo: A small size USB powered phone charger. Perfect for times you can get by with one charge and want a light charging option. Note due to flair up in power outs I have sized up to a sturdier Anker portable charger power bank. (End of spring/early summer 2024)
Belize travel tip rehydration salts
Apple re-hydration salts from Costa Rica 75 cents BZD at my local store

*Note product links above may generate a small commission if you use them to shop, and this helps sustain my blog.

6 thoughts on “Flying to Caye Caulker on a Mission and a Travel Light Tacogirl Tip

  1. carol taylor says:

    Great article, Laurie – can’t wait to return to Caye Caulker & see what’s happened in the last 12 years.

  2. heidi boden says:


    I will be down in November- I work for Protravel International super excited to visit Belize- if you have any recommendations am all ears-

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