It is very breezy in San Pedro today and I was sure glad to have laundry on my chore list, nothing better than playing with warm sheets on a cold day.
My Helena Montana weatherman sent me the picture below to remind me that it is not really cold here and compared to what I see in his office view, that I have to agree.
I will say it is cold enough for me to have broken out get my jeans out and be thinking of wearing long sleeves or a jacket to the party tonight. James Janmohamed is doing a Poppy Drive to raise money and Pedro’s Sports Bar is donating 25% of the bar take. Come on out, support a great cause, and enjoy some great live music with Gino and the Shack Shakers

It has been a foul tech day at the taco shack, a loose connection on my laptop is getting worse so I am in emergency scanning and backing up mode in case it dies 🙁
While scanning I got a tracking cookie removed that has been persistent for some reason. After AVG scan I found simple instructions on How to uninstall the Atdmt Cookie on ehow tech. Anyone out there ever experienced this pesky cookie and have any good info on it?
My tech troubles are making me wish I could transport myself back in time right now to the roadside Pirate Bar Wednesday night. A handful of us ended up there and had a great time shooting the shit – link is to funny YouTube video on that topic. Jason behind the bar and Maresha were great about letting us take over their computer and play DJ. Tacoboy did not realize how good Cowboy Doug was at Karaoke till he put on AC/DC and got Cowboy Rockin. I knew from all our errand runs and him singing away to Ted Nugent the Van.
Make sure to put Pirate’s Treasure restaurant and bar on your north Ambergris Caye to do list, it’s only a half mile north of the bridge.

We use Mas Color and your ho is questionable 🙂
True Charlotte. Today turned out to be a hot one.
I hope you use Foca detergent.(from Mexico). It really gets the stains out without resorting to Resolve stain remover. I think it’s better than Tide or Purex and more affordable.
Also you need a Macbook pro computer IMHO, as privately discussed.
Evenings can get pretty darn cool in BZE. I just returned from Trinidad and it was sweltering hot, but they re much closer to the equator than Belize. Bundle up (in your jeans and long sleeves. Lol)