If you are moving to Belize, the effects of tropical climate is something to consider. I say this partly because because Belize weather brings things like hurricanes and rainy season. The rain was so heavy last night that Eileen said they closed DandE’s and she left her bike in town and cabbed home. Leisa texted and said Cowboy Doug had emptied a total of 4.5 inches from the Grand Caribe rain gauge this morning. That seemed like a lot but after my bike ride I was not surprised at the number. I got my cardio up in a not so fun way with several giant puddles while riding to the pool. I could feel my body tense and my heart rate go up as I was driving through hoping I would not hit big rock or suddenly sink in a pot hole.
I never had to think about that kind of thing when I was living in downtown Toronto. Even though my San Pedro weather related bike riding issues are not something I would put on my favorites list, I would still take that over shoveling snow any day.
My second example of the effects of weather in Belize comes in the form of our washing machine which recently started leaking. My first thought was a hose had come loose but upon close inspection tacoboy found that part of the bottom was rusting out and hole underneath were causing the machine to leak.
I happened to be talking to Tim to arrange when they could show the house to a client and he said that I should pick up some dual epoxy and would have Heraldo come over after the showing to fix the washer for us.
In addition to the epoxy Tim had Heraldo use a fiberglass patch to make it stronger and last longer. We all have our fingers crossed that our temporary fix will last a while, it looks pretty sturdy.

If you are needing solid repair work call Caribbean Elite Services. They handle all problematic commercial electrical, plumbing and Butane gas solution repairs, commercial repair and installation , emergencies are their specialty. Heraldo has done a lot of repair and maintenance work for the owners of the house we live in and he always does a good job.
They also have a second division that does Real Estate and development sales. One call does it all!
Caribbean Elite Services – Office: 226-4000 Cell: 628-7034
What a lucky find Charlotte.
Hi Tg. Mom is good, thanks for asking, but still remembers the devastation of Haiti. My sister and I recently found a wedding pic of our parents in Punta Gorda ( where they were wed.) It was damaged and in bad shape. Thanks to photo shop, we were able to give it a facelift and unveil last Christmas as a gift. It brought mom to tears.
True Charlotte, it is easy to get bedazzled here. Sorry to heat about your mom, that must have been hard.
Good post, Tg. So many potential expats don’t consider how bad hurricane season can be and only think of sun, sand and sea. Flooding is the reason the majority of homes are on stilts in BZE. From hurricane Haiti my mother lost everything when the eye of the storm hit her home in BZE city. Wedding pics, baby pics, all keepsakes, gonzo. Thank God she and her loved ones were ok. Not all future expats are laid back and tough like you and try to cope and make it work. So they should really be mindful and learn from this post.