I got nominated to lead the class this morning so I decided to mix things up a bit. Having fit tv as a flip channel occasionally payed off for me. I decided to make up some new exercises and get people to count so they could slow down to a count of 3 or speed up with a one count. Along with this I added the pelvic tilt we practice in tai chi – had a brain fart and Mitch reminded me the name. Adding in pelvic tilt where you have feet shoulder with apart or slightly wider in water pull your butt in and keep abs tight really makes a difference on some exercises – I can still feel it now. Sometimes it is hard to remember to pay attention to your body when exercising and not just go through the motions because you have done them so many times before.
I went a step further while looking up pelvic tilt for a link to post and remembered it is wuji stance. There is a good description of this on the Holistic Back Relief site. This exercise is definitly worth trying on land or in water – especially if you spend a lot of time sitting at your desk and do not take regular stretch breaks.
In other news you are all invited to Cindy’s Birthday bash 7pm this Fri night 21st at Pedro’s.
I have lifted text straight from the e-vite that was sent out for details… It’s Cindy’s birthday again, I’m sure we’ve only just celebrated it! God, she’s getting old. Anyway, she’s too skint and has to work this Friday as she has a crappy boss and a useless boyfriend. Come and help her drink her worries away, kicking off at 7pm. I might even make some nibbles, then again, I might not. There will definitely be cake though. If I remember.

Hi Marianne – Sounds good will shoot you an email shortly.
Hi Taco: If you are interested in really pumping up your exercise class you might want to try some core exercises in the neutral spine positon, not just in the pelvic tilt position. I am comming down to Belize on Sept 4th for 2 weeks and can show you what I am talking about. If you are interested just send me an email.