As much as I love my swimming workouts I do believe in mixing it up. Eileen always says we need to find something else we like to do for cross training, for her it is beach cruiser bicycle and sometimes walking. While I still enjoy riding my beach cruiser, I am currently in a heavy walking stage right now. I find it it helps me problem solve and I love listening to my music player while daydreaming about life and how it is unfolding.
Yesterday I discovered a new way of cross training and it turned a routine chore into a different kind of water exercise. I needed a break from work and decided to do some cleaning. As I was listing to music and washing both bathroom sinks I started noticing my movements and how I could alter them to get more bang for my buck. Instead of just rubbing back and forth around the edge of the sink, I took my cloth in my right hand and circled the whole thing a few times. Then I repeated the motion with my left hand, making big ovals and really stretching into it. Next I used the horse stance from tai chi,knees bent slightly and butt tucked in. Holding one end of my cloth in each hand and moving my arms towards my chest and away. As I practiced this I was buffing the tap handles and working on my triceps and pecs in a chest press motion. And of course there is the good old wax on wax off move from The Karate Kid this is great to keep in mind while wiping the counters.
Warning: This method of cross training may lead to spontaneous dancing and actually make cleaning fun.
If you have a preferred way of exercise why not shake it up with some some swimming cross training at our aquafit classes.You will be amazed at how great a work out it really is – I am finally getting my swimmers body that I have been wanting. Classes are 4 times a week at the big pool at the San Pedro Fitness club – Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat from 10:00am – 11:00am. Find out more about the class on San Pedro Belize aquafit facebook page.
This Thursday a bunch of us plan to stay after and go to the Snack Shack for lunch, a perfect time to join us. Rob is the host with the most and Krista’s cooking is divine, so are the chocolate peanut butter brownies tacoboy and I started off our lunch with the other day while waiting for our chicken panini.
[divide]Island Pool Supply is able to order our water workout equipment – Class is so popular we are encouraging all regulars to get their own gear. Prices include GST.
Big Boss Noodles 5″ round $36bz
Pro Bell dumbells – set $78.75bz
Sqoodles 3″ x 64″ $78.75bz [size matters in this case ha ha]
Combo 1 – pro bells/sqoodle $146.25bz
Combo 2 – pro bell/sqoodle/bigboss $182.25bz
p.s. can you believe wanking comes up in spell check? I misspelled washing earlier and found that out. I added this for teacher Kimmy who is Eileen’s alter ego. When she comes out to play the class chit chat turns x-rated and the token boys get an earful of spicy girl talk 🙂

Very cool for triathlons Jared. 3 cheers to your wife for eating desert first. I need a second ipod shuffle to load all my audio stuff like Wayne. Everything is so interconnected in life and it is amazing what happens when you tap into that. You will have to go to snack shack and try a panini while here. they are delicious and the pool there is great.
That’s awesome!! Love it!
I started doing triathlon’s last year and LOVE the variety in working out. It’s odd because I ran x-country in high school and hated it. So a few years ago (at 39) I started running again (starting slow!) and realized that by adding in biking and swimming it was really quite a fun way to stay in shape. But hey, I’m no iron-man that’s for sure. I like the short course tri’s. I did run in a half-marathon last year, it was hilly as hell and by mile 10 I was like “I paid for this?” So now I just stick to the short course triathlons.
I love the brownies before Panini idea. Reminds me of my friend (who’s actually coming down to San Pedro in a few weeks with me and my wife) who always eats dessert first. What happens if you choke on your dinner or are full? Why not eat desert first? Nice perspective, I like it.
As far as the music goes, I used to listen to podcasts and/or music while running, but recently I’ve enjoyed the silence and connecting with nature. Being completely present while running. It was spurred by something I read recently in Wayne Dyer’s Your Sacred Self. That the same iron that’s in our blood, could have been (at one time) iron ore from the fields of Afghanistan. That we’re all connected; all beings on this earth and the earth. The same energy flows through us that flows through the trees and birds. I know it may sound hokey, but it really opened me up to being aware of all this interconnectedness. Ok, yes, it does sound hokey maybe to some, but after really concentrating on that idea, running and being in nature now are a completely new experience.
Wow, that panini looks good right now.